French Pointer Pyrenees and Gascony Type - Origin, Traits and Care

French pointer of the Pyrenees and Gascony type: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. There are two different types of Braques...

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There are two different types of French Braques: on the one hand we have the Pyrenees-type French Braque which is the one we are going to talk about here, and on the other we have the Gascony-type French Braque. It is important to know the difference between the two.

The French Braque is a canine breed that has been one of the most popular in the Pyrenees region, but until very recently it had never really left its region of origin. He is an attentive dog, extremely affectionate and who needs to be close to his adoptive family.It is also renowned for its sense of smell and its ability to adapt. To learn more about this incredible breed, continue reading on this PlanetAnimal page.


  • Europe
  • France

FCI Nomenclature

  • Group VII

Physical Characteristics

  • Rustic
  • Muscular
  • Proportional
  • Short ears


  • Large


  • 45-55

Life expectancy

  • 12-14

Recommended physical activity

  • High


  • Balanced
  • Society
  • Very loyal
  • Smart
  • Active
  • Affectionate
  • Docile

Ideal for

  • Children
  • House
  • Walking
  • The hunt
  • Sports

Hair type

  • Short
  • Smooth

Types of French Braque

As we said, there are two types of French Braque:

  • French Braque Pyrenees type
  • French pointer, Gascony type

Although, and we will see in the next section, the origins of the Braque are not very clear, the French Braque of the Pyrenees type is thought to have descended from other European breeds, while the Braque of the Gascony originates from the South of France.At the time, there was only one kind of French Braque. However, the Braque of the Gascogne type was crossed with smaller breeds, resulting in a Braque smaller than that of the Pyrenees.

Over time, the two types of French Braque were crossed since they were considered to be the same breed, until the two breeds were individually identified and, therefore, the 'hybridization is prohibited.

Origin of the French Braque

As can easily be deduced from its name, the French Braque is closely linked to France, since it originates from the French Pyrenees. Although the date of appearance of this breed is unknown, it is estimated that the first specimens appeared at the beginning of the 18th century in the southern region of the French Pyrenees. Due to its genetic characteristics, it is believed to be related to other breeds, such as the German Shorthaired Pointer or the English Pointer.

The official standard for this French dog breed was established by the International Cynological Federation in 1988, so quite late given the existence of the French Braque.

Characteristics of the French Braque

The French Braque is a medium-sized dog. Its weight varies between 15 and 24 kilograms, and it measures between 47 and 58 centimeters at the height of the withers for males, and 47 and 56 centimeters at the height of the withers for females. Its life expectancy is usually between 12 and 14 years.

The French Braque has a robust body with developed musculature, but it is not a massive dog. It is rather graceful and slender, with a fine tail, which can be both short and long. Its head is rounded, its brown muzzle is quite short, its drooping and slightly wrinkled ears are inserted above the line of the eye and stop 2cm from the nose when stretched.The hair of the French Braque is very short and not very dense.

The French Braque puppy

The Braque is a dog who is interested from an early age in the activities offered to him. This is why it is important to educate him as soon as possible. One of the factors that require maximum attention is related to socialization, since he can be shy and reluctant in the face of new people and new situations, especially when he is young. To know how to socialize it correctly, we recommend that you read this article: How to properly socialize your puppy?

It is also essential to accustom the puppies of this breed to being left alone for short periods of time, otherwise he may present problems related to loneliness while growing up. So it's best to start with very short amounts of time and then increase the duration as the puppy gets used to it.

French Braque colors

The official standard of the French Braque recognizes the following colors:

  • Brown
  • White with spots or areas of brown color.

Character of the French Braque

The French Braque is an incredibly faithful and loyal dog, he is an excellent companion for all. He gets along well with anyone, regardless of age or condition. He likes to spend time and play with children, and he is very tender with them. He is sociable and opens up easily, he even interacts with strangers if he is well socialized.

He is an intelligent and curious dog, he is very attentive to new things around him, so you have to be careful in case something catches his attention too much.

How to take care of a French pointer?

The French Braque is a very active dog, which is why he needs daily exercise for a minimum of one hour a day, at moderate or high intensity.It is for this reason that it makes a very good companion for those who enjoy running, mountaineering or any other intense sport.

His coat does not require much attention because it is short and very sparse, which makes it very easy to maintain. The most important thing is to offer him a balanced diet adapted to his energy needs, in addition to giving him access to clean, fresh water so that he stays well hydrated.

Education of the French Braque

It's good to know that these dogs don't have a dominating temperament, which is why they listen well and easily learn new instructions. In addition, since they are very attentive and intelligent dogs, education is all the more easier.

As far as training is concerned, it is preferable to use basic socialization and education exercises, and of course you must use techniques that respect the animal.This means avoiding punishment and aggression in all its forms, in addition to being unpleasant and harmful, it is not productive, as explained in the article 5 common mistakes when scolding a dog.

French Pointer He alth

The French Braque is a dog that does not usually have many he alth problems. But despite this predisposition, he can develop pathologies of different nature.

One of the most common infections is hip dysplasia, which needs to be monitored and may require surgery for more serious cases. The French Braque may also exhibit elbow dysplasia or patellar luxation.

He can also have different eye diseases. For example progressive retinal atrophy or cataracts. Aortic stenosis or cleft lip, which is a lip defect, are other conditions he may have.

Where to adopt a French Braque

If you want to welcome a French Braque into your family, there are many alternatives to find one. We always recommend that you turn to the SPAs and animal shelters near you, this will allow you to go there and get to know the animal.

In addition, you can find out if there are associations specializing in the rescue of the desired breed. Apart from kennels and shelters where dogs of all kinds are found, there are entities dedicated to the rescue of one or more specific breeds, which can facilitate the procedures if you are sure you want a dog of this breed.

Photos of French Braque Pyrenees and Gascony type

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