Bull Arab: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. The Arab bull is a mixture of several breeds of dogs, among which are...

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The Arab bull is a mixture of several breeds of dogs, among which the bull terrier, the English greyhound, the German shorthaired pointer and the English pointer stand out. Other breeds were also able to intervene, such as the Mastiff, the Doberman and the Great Dane.

They are large, strong dogs with strong hunting instincts, especially boar hunting, so they should be exercised daily. Keep reading this PlanetAnimal file to learn about the origin, character, characteristics, care, education, he alth and where to adopt the Arab bull dog breed.


  • Oceania
  • Australia

Physical Characteristics

  • Muscular


  • Large


  • 55-70

Adult Weight

  • 25-45

Life expectancy

  • 12-14

Recommended physical activity

  • High


  • Balanced
  • Society
  • Active
  • Affectionate
  • Quiet

Ideal for

  • House
  • The hunt


  • Muzzle

Hair type

  • Short
  • Smooth

Origins of the Arab bull

" The origins of the Bull Arab dog breed date back to the 1970s in Australia. Their destiny was work and boar hunting. They are also known as Australian Pig Dog, Pig Aussie, BullAraber or Also BullArab. The breed is mainly characterized by a great sense of smell which allows it to detect wild boars from 6 km away."

This dog was created by breeder Mike Hodgens, who was looking for a large dog with strength, quick skills and good tracking ability that would be suitable for hunting. However, he stopped breeding them in the 1980s. From then on, other breeders continued.

Traditionally, the Arab bull is considered 50% Bull Terrier for its bite strength, 25% Greyhound for sight and speed, and 25% German or English Pointer for its sense of smell and intelligence. Other theories say it is a mix between Mastiff and Great Dane or Bull Terrier and Doberman.

Characteristics of the Arab Bull

Bull Arabs are large dogs, with males standing 63-69cm tall while females are 61-66cm tall. They have a weight ranging from 32 to 42 kg. It is a dog with strong proportions, presenting a strong and straight back and a slightly arched neck, strong and of moderate length. Some other physical characteristics:

  • The head is not very big.
  • Shining eyes of a color matching the coat.
  • The ears are droopy and of medium size.
  • The hind legs are strong for fast runs during hunting parties.
  • The feet are oval with arched toes.
  • The tail is tapered to a point and with a length proportional to the body.
  • The Bull Arab's coat is short and smooth with a slight double coat in cold climates.

Arab Bull Colors

The coat of this breed is predominantly white or cream with darker colored markings, but they can also be of the following colors:

  • Red
  • Black
  • Silver
  • Blue
  • Tigray
  • Brown

Arab bull character

Bull Arabs are active, loyal, friendly and independent dogs. They have a good character and get along well with children and strangers. They are calm and balanced dogs, provided they receive their daily ration of exercise and activity, since they are dogs intended for hunting.

Although they are calm and loyal dogs, they have a certain reputation for aggression in Australia due to some attacks on people in various states of the country. However, the Mackay Regional Council claims that this notoriety comes from guardians who have not worked to develop their dog's social necessities.

Arab bull education

The education of the Arab bull does not have to be very complicated. They are very intelligent and skillful dogs to learn. Of course, you have to try to curb these hunting instincts, instincts that can turn out to be intense in nature.

Up to 8 weeks after birth, he must get used to the people, situations and events of his socialization period, which will be the key to the future character of the dog. The best training is through positive reinforcement, which seeks rapid learning speed through techniques that are low stress and pleasant for the dog, resulting in a faster and more effective education.

Arab bull care

Bull Arabs are dogs that need a lot of daily activity, so their guardians should be committed to making sure they don't lack exercise, activity and daily movement.

The care that Bull Arab dogs need is as follows:

  • Balanced food, intended for canine species and sufficient to cover their daily energy needs according to their particular conditions (age, metabolism, environmental conditions, physiological state, etc.).
  • Deworm inside and out to prevent disease caused by parasites, which in turn prevents the transmission of other disease-causing organisms that contain the parasites.
  • Systematic vaccination to prevent infectious diseases that most often affect dogs.
  • Brushing the coat if necessary.
  • Bath when the coat is dirty or needs a shampoo with treatment.

Arab bull he alth

Arab bulls have a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, being considered a strong and he althy breed as long as a series of he alth care, checks and prophylaxis are maintained at the veterinarian.

Some issues to highlight in the Arabic bull are:

  • Epilepsy: neurological disease which consists of an increase in electrical activity in the brain, due to the spontaneous stimulation of nerve cells. This causes them to depolarize and lead to a short-lived seizure in which seizures occur consisting of tremors and localized or generalized twitching in which they may or may not lose consciousness.
  • Cataracts: Occurs when opacity develops in the lens of the eye. This opacity can be total or partial and can cause blindness.
  • Primary lens dislocation: a disease that involves the rupture or weakening of the ligaments that support the lens of the eye. This results in the lens not being in its usual optimal position as the lens of the eye, which can lead to vision difficulties and even blindness in affected dogs. It usually occurs between 3 and 6 years old.
  • Gastric Dilatation: These dogs tend to develop gastric dilatation after ingestion following strenuous exercise or primarily due to the urge to eat. Additionally, an enlarged stomach can turn, causing the stomach to dilate-torsion which produces serious clinical signs in dogs, such as increased salivation, respiratory distress, depression, anorexia, unproductive vomiting , severe abdominal pain, pale mucous membranes, malaise, fainting and shock.
  • Cryptorchidism: alteration of the normal descent of male testicles.Instead of going down into the scrotum, they stay in the abdomen or midway, in the groin area. If not fixed, removed and sterilized, it may cause testicular torsion or testicular cancer.

How to adopt an Arab bull?

Arab bulls are native Australian dogs, it is rare to find them in other places and therefore can be quite difficult to get a specimen adopted. Before making the decision, you should reconsider if you really have the time that these dogs require on a daily basis for their exercise and to spend their great energy.

If this is the case, the next step is to ask shelters and animal welfare associations if they have dogs of this breed to adopt. If not, they can sometimes provide breed information, or you can inquire with the rescue associations of one of their parent breeds.

Photos of Bull Arab

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