My dog's papers

Identification card, European passport, birth certificate, pedigree, detention permit: what are these documents for and how do you obtain them?

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The dog's identification card

The identification card is the equivalent of your dog's national identity card. Issued by i-Cad, the national identification file for domestic carnivores, it certifies the animal's identification number by its microchip or by its tattoo and the owner of the animal (which may be different from the owner!).


The identification of a dog is compulsory in France for dogs over 4 months old or to transfer a dog. All dog owners should therefore have their dog's identification card.

The dog's identification card consists of two parts to keep: an upper part allowing you to carry out a certain number of procedures with I-CAD and a detachable lower part, to slip into your wallet or in your dog's European passport!

The European Pet Passport

The European pet passport is an official document issued by an authorized veterinarian. Compulsory for traveling with your dog in the countries of the European Union, this little blue notebook attests in particular to the validity of the animal's anti-rabies vaccination.

The dog's birth certificate and pedigree

These documents only concern so-called purebred dogs, registered in the French Book of Origins and are established by the Société Centrale Canine.

On these documents are the name of the dog, its date of birth, its identification number, its coat color, its particular signs, the name of its ancestors and its LOF registration number. It's a kind of canine family tree.

The pedigree is the document obtained following the confirmation of the dog, once it is definitively registered with the LOF.

The certificate of sale

The certificate of sale (or certificate of transfer) is the document that determines the legal owner of the animal (which may be different from the holder). It must be established when transferring a dog for free or for consideration.

It can be useful to the purchaser of the animal for:

  • cancel a sale when he finds illnesses or serious anomalies on the animal that are part of the redhibitory defects defined by the law of June 22, 1989.
  • determine who is the legal owner of the animal, in the event of a dispute over custody of the dog.

In the case of a transfer by an animal protection association, the adoption certificate serves as a transfer certificate.

The detention permit

This document is mandatory for owners of category 1 and 2 dogs. It is issued by the town hall of the owner's place of residence (or by the Paris police headquarters) after having provided all the following documents:

  • a photocopy of the dog's identification card,
  • valid proof of rabies vaccination (against rabies) (photocopy of section IV of their European passport),
  • a valid certificate of civil liability insurance,
  • the owner's certificate of aptitude,
  • veterinary certificate of dog behavioral evaluation,
  • only for dogs of 1era category (male or female): a sterilization certificate issued by a veterinarian.

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