The Australian Shepherd remains the favorite dog of the French in 2019

What are the most registered dog breeds in the LOF in 2020-2021? Discover the complete list of the favorite dogs of the French...

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The Australian Shepherd stays ahead

Last year, it was a small revolution in the world of cynophilia to see for the first time since the creation of the LOF an American breed arrive first in the ranking of registered breeds. In 2019, the Australian Shepherd persists and signs. For this year, it remains this time again the favorite dog breed of the French. In 2019, 14,737 proud representatives of the breed were registered with the LOF, i.e. 1,831 dogs more than in 2018! The Australian Shepherd therefore prances in the lead by approaching 15,000 registrations in the year, a milestone that has only been reached by the German Shepherd, which has long remained 1er in the ranking, in during the 80's.

Today, the German Shepherd remains in 5th place in the ranking of the most popular dog breeds by the French, but falls below the 10,000 registration mark .

Review: The Australian Shepherd, favorite dog of the French in 2018

Little change in the 2019 ranking

This year the CSC ranking shows little change among the breeds most loved by the French. The top 7 favorite breeds of the French are indeed strictly the same in 2019 as in 2018.

The ranking only changes from the 8th place in the ranking with the Cavalier King Charles who takes a short lead over the French Bulldog.

It's the Cocker Spaniel who has won the most places in the top 20 rankings, going from 13thin 2018 to 10thplace in 2019!

Only one breed of dog bids farewell to the Top 20: the Shih Tzu while the German Spitz makes its entry at 19th place in the ranking!

The complete top 20 favorite dog breeds of the French in 2019

  • 1er Australian Shepherd (14,737 listings)
  • 2ème Belgian Shepherd (11,763 entries)
  • 3th Staffordshire Bull Terrier (11,315 entries)
  • 4th Golden Retriever (10,932 registrations)
  • 5th German Shepherd (9,996 entries)
  • 6th American Staffordshire (8,402 listings)
  • 7th Labrador Retriever (8,000 registrations)
  • 8th Cavalier King Charles (6,287 registrations)
  • 9th French Bulldog (5,833 listings)
  • 10th English Cocker Spaniel (5,784 listings)
  • 11th Beagle (5,405 listings)
  • 12th English Setter (5,334 listings)
  • 13th Chihuahua (5,303 listings)
  • 14th Italian court dog or cane corso (4,591 entries)
  • 15th Brittany Spaniel (4,562 registrations)
  • 16th Siberian Husky (4,054 entries)
  • 17th Yorkshire terrier (3,856 entries)
  • 18th Dachshund (3,811 entries)
  • 19th German Spitz (3,249 listings)
  • 20th Bernese Mountain Dog (3,239 entries)

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