What are the diseases of older dogs?

What diseases most often affect older dogs and what symptoms do they manifest? What can you do to help your senior dog stay in shape?

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Although osteoarthritis is not only the prerogative of older dogs, they often suffer from it. Osteoarthritis is the consequence of joint tissue degeneration with cartilage damage and secondary bone proliferation. It is the cause of joint pain, stiffness and lameness that cause the dog to be intolerant to the slightest effort and more aggressive than usual. It should be noted, however, that age is not the only factor in the appearance of osteoarthritis and that the dog's diet and overweight can also contribute to its development and/or its worsening.

How to help your dog?

There are many strategies to relieve your elderly dog from the pain caused by osteoarthritis and improve his comfort of life among:

  • the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and/or plants (prescribed by a veterinarian),
  • the use of "chondroprotective" dietary supplements such as chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate and omega-3 fatty acid supplements,
  • monitoring the quality of diet and weight,
  • the use of acupuncture, osteopathy, laser therapy or even hydrotherapy,
  • a modification of the dog's living environment such as setting up raised bowls, non-slip flooring to make it easier to move around the house, orthopedic bedding with shape memory, barriers for prevent him from using the stairs or, conversely, inclined planes to help him climb a few steps.

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome

Also known as canine delirium, canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome is a disease linked to the aging of its brain. Comparable to Alzheimer's disease which affects human beings, this syndrome is manifested by changes in the dog's behavior such as a loss of basic learning such as cleanliness, confusion, sleep disorders and appetite, loss of adaptability and a tendency to become more anxious.

How to help your dog?

There is no cure for delirium in older dogs, but there are many solutions to slow the progression of the disease, including:

  • food supplements,
  • psychotropic drugs and vasodilators,
  • solutions borrowed from herbal medicine,
  • the fact of continuing to intellectually stimulate your dog by offering him walks or activities that stimulate his sense of smell.

Find out more about how to help your dog in our article entirely dedicated to cognitive dysfunction syndrome in dogs.

Prostate hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a very common condition in aging whole (unneutered) dogs. It is characterized by an increase in the volume of the prostate, causing a set of symptoms grouped under the term prostatic syndrome. These symptoms include constipation, urinary disorders, hindquarter locomotor difficulties and a decline in general condition.

How to help your dog?

Prostatic hyperplasia can be treated very well with medical treatment or surgical castration of the animal. Gemmotherapy (use of plant buds in macerates) also gives very good results in the treatment of this condition.


Although cancer can unfortunately strike animals of any age, the risk of developing cancer increases with age, due to the mechanisms that lead a he althy cell to turn into a cancerous cell. It's a proven fact: the more time passes, the more the number of lesions likely to accumulate in the dog's cells increases.

How to help your dog?

Depending on the nature of the cancer your dog has, several treatment options may be possible including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery. Some alternative practices can also help keep your dog in acceptable living conditions. Talk to your veterinarian to determine the best options for you.


Lipomas are none other than "balls of fat" , in other words benign tumors of fat cells.They develop preferentially in older and overweight dogs. Females are also more often affected than males. These "balls" can appear anywhere on the animal's body, although they are most often found on its stomach or thighs. Although non-cancerous, they can however be very annoying and/or painful for the dog depending on their location, volume or when they develop in infiltrative forms.

How to help your dog?

Consult your veterinarian as soon as you notice a lump developing on your pet's body. If it is indeed a lipoma, your veterinarian will be able to advise you on whether or not it should be surgically removed.

Chronic kidney failure

Advancing age often goes hand in hand with progressive and irreversible degradation of the kidney tissues which, as a result, become unable to fulfill their function of eliminating waste and toxins present in the blood.Chronic renal failure is then manifested by often numerous and uncharacteristic symptoms such as a loss of form, a decrease in appetite and an increase in the intake of drink, bad breath, the occurrence of urinary disorders and digestive disorders. among other signs.

How to help your dog?

The destruction of kidney tissue is irreversible so it is not possible to cure your dog of chronic kidney failure. However, the progression of the disease can be slowed down by conservative treatment and the administration of a diet low in protein and phosphorus. Phytotherapy can also complement or replace the action of conventional treatments. Speak to a specialized veterinarian to find out more.

The cataract

Inside the eye is a lens, called the crystalline lens, which concentrates light on the back of the retina to allow vision.When this lens loses its transparency, it is called a cataract. In dogs, the most common cause of cataracts is linked to heredity, but some cataracts can nevertheless settle in favor of an advanced age of the dog. This is called senile cataract in dogs. It affects both eyes and gradually sets in, affecting the animal's vision.

How to help your dog?

There are drug treatments as well as food supplements aimed at slowing the progression of the disease without, however, allowing it to be cured. Only surgery can treat it, but it is not always indicated in older animals because of the anesthetic risks it entails.


Periodontitis, or periodontal disease, is a disease that is becoming more common in older dogs, especially in small dogs. It is an infectious disease of the supporting tissues of the tooth due to the proliferation of bacteria in the mouth and an accumulation of dental plaque.

Periodontal disease is manifested by bad breath, difficulty eating, excessive salivation, bleeding gums and loose/falling teeth. In the absence of treatment, it can be complicated by endocarditis or sepsis, linked to the dissemination of bacteria in the general blood circulation.

How to help your dog?

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis by maintaining good oral hygiene in your dog throughout his life. This involves regular brushing of his teeth, the distribution of toys or chew bones and regular checks of his teeth by a veterinarian. When the disease is declared, only the intervention of a veterinarian will make it possible to overcome it. It will consist of a scaling and treatment of diseased teeth under general anesthesia of the dog as well as the administration of an antibiotic to fight against the infection.

Urinary incontinence

It is not uncommon for older dogs to develop urinary incontinence. Aging is the cause of a loss of tone in the sphincter which means that the dog can no longer retain its urine and spills it everywhere without its knowledge.

How to help your dog?

Above all, you must consult your veterinarian to make sure that your dog's urinary incontinence is not the symptom of any other disease from which he may be suffering.

If your veterinarian confirms that it is indeed incontinence related to your dog's old age, he can advise you on a treatment adapted to his particular case. If necessary, know that homeopathy can also be effective. See our article on urinary incontinence in dogs to learn more.

Greater susceptibility to infectious diseases

In general, older dogs are more susceptible to infectious diseases than their younger counterparts.This is due to a decrease in the efficiency of their immune system and a general weakening of the body, sometimes linked to the pre-existence of a chronic disease.

How can I help my pet?

It is possible to preserve the effectiveness of your pet's immune system as much as possible by:

  • offering him good quality food throughout his life,
  • keeping him at his ideal weight,
  • by offering moderate daily physical activity,
  • making sure it doesn't get cold in winter,
  • using food supplements known to "boost" the immune system such as grapefruit seed extract, bee products, brewer's yeast, acerola powder or even prebiotics and probiotics.

At any age, it is also advisable to bet on preventive care (vaccination, deworming, fight against external parasites) in order to protect it against easily avoidable infectious and parasitic diseases.

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