Towards an “awareness certificate” to adopt an animal in 2021

The Government wishes to set up an "awareness certificate" in order to better fight against animal abandonment.

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Always too many abandonments in France

France holds one of the saddest records in Europe: the number of abandoned pets. It would be 100,000 dogs and cats each year. But, according to Loïc Dombreval, veterinarian and deputy (LREM) for the Alpes-Maritimes, the figure announced by the SPA would be far from reality and would in fact be "twice, perhaps three times higher" .

If France has the largest number of pets on the old continent, with its 25 million dogs and cats, this record of abandonment is also explained by the excessive number of purchases or thoughtless adoptions.And for good reason, it is now very easy to buy or adopt a little ball of fur in France without having really thought about the obligations that this implies. A dog, you have to take it out, educate it, feed it, take care of it, it takes time, space and money. So many elements that many adopters have not always anticipated and which are often the cause of abandonment.

A certificate to inform new owners

In order to fight against impulsive purchases or adoptions, deputies from the various groups of the majority, including Loïc Dombreval, have tabled a bill which will be examined in the National Assembly from January 26, 2021. This proposed law provides in particular for the signing of an awareness certificate by new adopters. This document, which can be signed with a shelter, a veterinarian or a breeder, will present the obligations incumbent on the new owner in terms of obligations of care, vaccination, the need to take his animal out and financial cost.

In an interview with the Obs, Loïc Dombreval makes the distinction between this certificate and a license to own a pet. For the time being, France does not plan, as is already the case in Germany or for categorized dogs, to issue permits to own a pet.

This certificate will above all have an educational role and aims to curb purchases or unthoughtful adoptions. It must be issued to all animal owners and will be intended to be slipped into the animal's he alth booklet. As the current bill stands, however, no pen alty is provided for owners who do not have this certificate.

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