20 medium-sized dog breeds perfect for a family

Are you looking for a medium-sized dog for your family? Check out 20 perfect dog breeds for this.

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A large dog requires a lot of space, a substantial budget for its food and maintenance in general. While a small dog is very often demanding in terms of the attention it demands, in addition to having a strong character. Of course these are generalities and each race is different. That being said, let's see the medium-sized dogs that are perfect for a family.

1. Labrador Retriever

The popularity of the Labrador Retriever is justified: intelligent, loyal, even-tempered and playful Its place as an assistant to disabled and blind people is well established, as well as among customs services Gentle and patient with children, faithful with the older ones, this is a dog endowed with an exemplary ability to adapt, both with humans and with its congeners.

2. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd (46 to 58 cm) is a herdsman. Highly intelligent and also independent, he likes to be constantly stimulated. Of great loy alty to his master, he also knows how to modify his behavior to show tolerance with children. Energetic, he prefers the countryside to the city.

3. Poodle

Known for its above-average intelligence, the breed has 4 varieties classified by size (45 to 60 cm for the medium-sized specimen). The Poodle adapts perfectly to the family unit. He likes to play a lot, but stays behind when there is too much excitement with the youngest in particular. He also needs to be stimulated and likes to please his master.

4. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound (33 to 38 cm) is a hound very useful in the search for blood. Generally both lazy and stubborn, he remains a very pleasant pet to live with. With a good education, he will be a perfect dog for the whole family.

5. German Shorthaired Pointer

This is a fairly tall medium-sized hunting dog (58-66cm), with an athletic build. With impressive endurance, he is able to run for hours. The German Shorthaired Pointer is for a rather sporty owner, or who has time to take his companion into the forest several times a week. Very intelligent, he is both loyal and affectionate with all members of the family.

6. Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier (56 to 61 cm) is a dynamic dog. He is a loyal dog with his master, patient with children and welcoming with strangers if he does not feel hostility on their part. Formerly used for otter hunting, its liveliness is surprising. A good dose of exercises will be necessary for his well-being.

7. Australian Cattle Dog

Used to herd cattle on the Australian plains and therefore to travel long distances, the Australian Cattle Dog shows remarkable endurance. Very intelligent, his needs for physical and mental stimulation are important.

Very gentle with children, he is always ready to play. With his master he shows particular attention to carry out his orders. Sociable, he never shows aggression without reason.

8. American Eskimo

This canine breed is also called "Eskie" (38 to 48 cm), which was appreciated at the time for its prowess on tight ropes in circuses. Smart and lively, he learns quickly.

From the Spitz family, the American Eskimo overflows with affection for his family, from whom he finds it difficult to separate. Sociable, he is just as good with humans as his fellow creatures.

9. Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky (51 to 60 cm) is a great life companion for a family provided they have received a quality education. Accustomed for centuries to evolving within a pack, he finds it difficult to tolerate loneliness and flourishes when he is busy sharing activities with his master.

10. Brittany Spaniel

Very gifted for hunting, this pointing dog (48 to 50 cm) has a great deal of liveliness and energy. Traveling long distances in the wilderness is a necessity for this dog full of life and always cheerful.

The Brittany Spaniel gets along well with all members of the family and as a "joyful fellow" , his favorites are the children he naturally protects.

11. Continental Bulldog

With a rather grumpy natural air, the Continental Bulldog is a very courageous medium-sized mastiff (40 to 46 cm). He is a calm and attentive dog who loves the companion of his family, while enjoying his moments of solitude. An education from an early age is however recommended because of its disproportionate strength compared to its size.

12. Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie (51 to 56 cm) is a breed that likes to live outdoors at any time of the year. His origins as a herder of sheep in the Scottish Highlands gave him an athletic silhouette hidden under his long hair.

Playful and full of spirit, he is a pleasant dog to live with on a daily basis. He is intelligent and loyal to his master.

13. Irish Soft Coated Terrier

A rustic dog that stands out from other terriers because of its soft and even silky coat, the Irish Terrier (43 to 48 cm) is particularly attached and devoted to its family.

He is a dynamic dog who needs to be stimulated both physically and mentally.

14. Golden Retriever

Under its beautiful dark golden (or creamy white) coat, the Golden Retriever (51 to 61 cm) is an incredibly kind animal. Used like the Labrador to help disabled and blind people, among other things, his constant cheerful mood is infectious.

He knows how to adapt perfectly within his family and is sociable with all its members. He really likes to play with children.

15. Medium Schnauzer

A former pest hunter, the Medium Schnauzer (45 to 50 cm) is between the dwarf and giant specimen. With a lively temperament under a calm appearance, his superior intelligence allows him to adapt to all the situations imposed on him by his master, to whom he is strongly attached.

He gets along very well with the children with whom he plays willingly while remaining constantly vigilant in the face of his environment. It is a dog known for its natural resistance to disease.

16. Boxer

The Boxer (53 to 63 cm) is a playful dog known to be the great friend of children. In addition to being a good watchdog, he is naturally protective. Lively and sporty, he needs a master who takes him for walks regularly while having fun so that he gets the most out of himself.

17. Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog (34 to 40 cm) was crossed with other breeds to make a miniature Collie. Life at the time was very hard in this region of Scotland and medium-sized dogs were preferred for their lesser appetite. The Shetland Sheepdog is a playful and energetic animal that loves to be cuddled by its family.Not at all aggressive, he remains wary of strangers.

18. Collie

Long or short haired, the famous dog (51 to 61 cm) from the illustrious TV series Lassie is devoted and affectionate towards his family to whom he is very attached. The Collie regularly shows requests for affection.

The company of children is a real pleasure for him. He likes to please the humans he meets and he needs his intelligence, which is above the average of canine breeds, to be stimulated.

19. Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel became famous with the appearance of the comic strip "Boule et Bill" . Its intelligence and gentleness make it one of the predictive dogs to live in a family with children and other animals. He also needs closeness to his "human pack" and can't stand being left at home.He is a dynamic dog who needs to be stimulated.

20. Border Collie

Certainly one of the most intelligent specimens of the canine breed, the Border Collie (46 to 56 cm) is a sheepdog classified as a working dog.

Affectionate and loyal, he needs closeness if not complicity with his master. He is ready to do anything to satisfy his family. His only request in exchange is to receive a minimum of attention, tenderness and to be spent on a daily basis.

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