Insuring a small dog: how to choose your mutual?

Choosing the right insurance for a small dog can be complicated given the profusion of offers.

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Those with small dogs are not left out. Even though these dogs live longer on average than other dogs, they are still exposed to certain risks and he alth problems that can be very costly. Choosing the right insurance for a small dog can be complicated given the profusion of offers. Here we explain what you need to know to choose the right insurance for your small dog.

The criteria for choosing a mutual insurance company for a small dog

When looking for insurance for your small dog, you will come across countless formulas and contracts that differ in their costs, conditions and the guarantees they provide.To find your way around and make an informed choice, you can rely on the following criteria.

Age restriction

Insurers impose age limits for their pet insurance contracts beyond which the contract cannot be signed or renewed. It is, for example, difficult, if not impossible, to insure a dog less than three months old. It is also very difficult to sign an insurance contract or renew it for a dog over 8 years old and even less so if it is a larger dog.

This age limit is imposed by insurers to protect themselves from excessive risks associated with over-aged dogs. This criterion must therefore be taken into account. Find out about the limits applied by each insurer. If your dog is already old, you can still find a senior dog insurance contract, but these are more expensive compared to standard contracts, without providing additional guarantees.

The dog's state of he alth

Each breed of dog has specific he alth risks. You must therefore take out an insurance contract that includes all the guarantees related to illnesses or accidents that can affect your little dog, but without taking out a contract with countless options that will probably not be useful to you.

You can consult your veterinarian who will inform you about the specific risks associated with your dog's breed so that you can best choose the guarantees to which you subscribe.


The way of life of your little dog is decisive in the choice of your insurance contract. If your dog lives mostly outdoors or goes out a lot, he spends, exercises and therefore maintains himself better. Such a dog can then live longer than an indoor dog or one that does not exercise enough.Therefore, you should take out an insurance policy that focuses on the risk of accidents, including those involving other pets.

In all cases, the guarantees of the insurance contract must respond to each risk to which your dog is exposed because of his environment or his way of life.

Choose the options wisely

By taking out an insurance contract for your small dog, if you find that the basic guarantees are not sufficient, you can consider taking additional options. These are often offered by insurers and you can add as many as you want. Some of these options allow you to benefit from broader coverage, as well as an assistance or childcare service if necessary. In return, your insurance contract costs 100 to 200 euros more per year.

Some contracts also include a prevention package that covers expenses related to disease prevention for your dog. These guarantees cover, for example, sterilization, castration, vaccination, deworming and antiparasitic treatments.

Beware of the waiting period

By taking out an insurance contract for your little dog, pay attention to the waiting period imposed by the insurer. This is a period during which the insurance does not yet take effect. The waiting period can last a few days or more, in some contracts it is even several months, which can be disabling if your dog falls ill or has an accident during this period.

With or without advance payment?

The general rule is that when the dog needs treatment or a consultation with a veterinarian, his master advances the medical expenses. These are only reimbursed later by the insurance up to the rate covered. However, more and more insurers are offering formulas without upfront costs. Thanks to these contracts, the master of the dog only advances the rest to be paid.

Which formula to choose?

Insurers generally offer several formulas for dog insurance. Each formula offers a different level of coverage and the more coverage the formula has, the more it costs.

The basic formula

The basic formulas offer few guarantees and are content to cover certain risks such as care induced by illness or accident with a reimbursement rate that rarely exceeds 70%.

These entry-level contracts are also generally subject to a deductible and the total amounts reimbursable per year are capped. This type of insurance nevertheless has the advantage of being the least expensive.

The intermediate formula

These are mid-range formulas that provide slightly more coverage than the basic formula. These insurance contracts can cover, in addition to costs related to illnesses or accidents, other expenses such as analyses, medical examinations, medication and even hospitalization and surgery.These formulas also have a better reimbursement rate which can reach 80%, or even 90%, with a higher reimbursement ceiling.

The premium formula

This is the type of insurance contract that offers the most guarantees and the best coverage. A premium insurance contract for a small dog generally offers almost total coverage and even covers euthanasia or even funeral costs.

These insurances are much more expensive than the two previous formulas, but they have a reimbursement rate always higher than 90% and which can reach 100% with some insurers. The annual reimbursement ceilings are also higher.

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