Nice elected first best French city where it is good to live with your dog

The city has always been a very pleasant living environment for humans and, now, it is also for dogs, since it has just been crowned, for the second year in a row, best city in France to live with your dog.

Ahead of Montpellier and Grenoble

In the ranking of the magazine 30 Millions d'Amis published in mid-April, Nice took first place for the second consecutive year, with an average of 18.5 out of 20. compared to the 17.1 which allowed them to obtain the same place in 2021. Nice is ahead in this ranking of Montpellier, which obtained an average of 17.5 out of 20 and Grenoble, which obtained an average of 17.5 out of 20 .

This second success of the city of Nice in the ranking of the best cities in France to live with your dog is due to many devices and facilities put in place by the municipality of the city.

The latter has, in fact, made efforts to give more space to dogs in public spaces. Thus, the Lines of the Azur of the tramway are accessible to all dogs, whatever their size, and no longer only to small dogs transported in a basket.

In public spaces, dogs are also welcome in Nice and even have parks dedicated to them, the cani-parks.

Nice also allows dog owners to enjoy the sea by making beaches accessible to dogs. The two beaches of Lenval and Carras are already open to dogs, expecting a third in a few weeks.

Although this criterion does not fit into the evaluation and scoring grid of this ranking of 30 Million Friends, it should be noted that the city has also changed practices with regard to the presence of dogs in workspaces.These pets are, indeed, welcome in the offices of the administrative agents of the metropolis, and this, since December 2021.

Sharp evaluation criteria

To establish its ranking of the best cities to live with your dog, the magazine 30 Millions d'Amis used an evaluation grid with exhaustive and sharp criteria. Thus, the ranking takes into account five main criteria, including accessibility for dogs to transport and green spaces, cleanliness, such as the presence of poop bag dispensers, the policies carried out in favor of animals and the operations carried out by the municipality. to raise awareness of dog welfare.

The great novelty of this year's ranking is the introduction of a criterion concerning the well-being of cats. Thus, the number of free cats, that is to say those who were formerly strays, but who have been collected, sterilized, identified and adopted is also taken into account.

For this last criterion, Nice obtained a more than honorable score of 17.5, out of 20, while Aix-en-Provence ranked first on this criterion, with a score of 20 out of 20 .