Schnoodle - Origin, Traits and Care

Schnoodle: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. Do you know what a Schnoodle is? It is neither more nor less the result of...

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Do you know what a Schnoodle is? It is neither more nor less the result of the crossing of schnauzers and poodles. Whatever their size, Schnoodles are curious little dogs that you'll be dying to meet. Therefore, in this article from PlanèteAnimal, we talk about the characteristics of the Schnoodle, its origin, its care and its possible he alth problems.

The Schnoodle has incredible characteristics, so much so that it is considered to be one of the most suitable dogs in case of allergies.Indeed, it is considered that, as they lose little hair and do not develop dandruff, they are among the hypoallergenic dogs. Do you want to know more about them? Read on and learn all about the Schnoodle.


  • Europe

Physical Characteristics

  • Rustic
  • Proportional
  • Short legs


  • Average


  • 45-55

Adult Weight

  • 10-25

Life expectancy

  • 12-14

Recommended physical activity

  • High


  • Shy
  • Very loyal
  • Smart
  • Active
  • Docile

Ideal for

  • Children
  • Apartment
  • House
  • Allegric people

Recommended climate

  • Temperate

Hair type

  • Long
  • Curly
  • Hard
  • Big

Origin of the Schnoodle

Schnoodles are crossbred dogs resulting from crossing the schnauzer breed with standard poodles. This hybrid breed has an unknown origin, that is, it is not known exactly in what year the first Schnoodle specimens were born. What is known is that, like other hybrid breeds, Schnoodles are not recognized as an independent breed by international cynological entities, being considered a mixture of two already established breeds.

Schnoodle Characteristics

There are five types of Schnoodle, which differ according to their weight and height, characteristics which vary according to the height of the parents:

  • Giant Schnoodle: with an average weight of 30 to 32 kilograms and a height at the withers of 66 centimeters. Typically, the primitive cross is between a Giant Schnauzer and a Standard Poodle.
  • Standard Schnoodle: It weighs between 20 and 30 kilograms and measures approximately 50 to 66 centimeters at the withers. It is the result of the cross made between a standard Schnauzer and a standard Poodle.
  • Average Schnoodle: it weighs between 12 and 20 kilograms, and its height is between 40 and 50 centimeters at the withers. They are the most common and come from the cross between medium Schnauzers and small Poodles.
  • Miniature Schnoodle: weighs between 6 and 12 kilograms, with a height at the withers between 30 and 40 centimeters.
  • Schnoodle toy: also called Schnoodle teacup, it weighs only 3-6 kilograms and its height is 20-30 centimeters. It arises from the cross between a toy poodle and a miniature schnauzer.

After reviewing the different types that exist, we move on to the general characteristics of the Schnoodle. Thus, the Schnoodle has a compact body, short limbs and abundant fur. Its tail is long and resembles that of Schnauzers. Their head is balanced in size and shape and in proportion to the rest of the body. The muzzle is covered with hair, neither too broad nor too fine, with a nose that can be grey, brown or black. Their eyes are round and they are also covered with hair, the ears, medium, are similar to those of poodles, being slightly larger and shorter.

The coat of these dogs is profuse and is longer in the face, with some specimens having eyebrows and beards like the Schnauzer.Their coats are generally rough and harsh, although there are also Schnoodle dogs that have softer coats. Similarly, the hair of the Schnoodle is usually of considerable length, curly or wavy.

Schnoodle Colors

The most common colors for this mixed breed dog are: gray, black, white, brown and gold, as well as the different combinations of the aforementioned colors.

The Schnoodle Puppy

In the case of the SWchnoodle, every puppy is different. As with all hybrid breeds, you cannot set the same “standards” for how dogs of this breed look or behave. This is the case with the schnoodle because, depending on the genetically predominant parent breed, the characteristics of puppies vary widely.

In general terms, Schnoodle puppies can be said to be active and energetic, which is totally common and normal for most dogs at this stage.Therefore, we must be prepared for endless hours of playtime before our pup is completely exhausted.

This breed is very shy, so early socialization is essential. To do this, it is best to expose them from an early age to different environments, as well as different people and animals. This is how we will help them overcome their shyness and be more outgoing.

Schnoodle Character

Schnoodles have extremely sweet temperaments. They are incredibly friendly dogs, who don't skimp when it comes to showing their affection to those around them. They are very active so they love to play, jump and run around the clock, which we can take advantage of to teach them fun tricks or do agility circuits.You can even practice water games with them, because they love water.

Furthermore, they are extremely intelligent, a characteristic they inherited from the Poodle. This trait, combined with their heightened curiosity, makes them excellent students, as we will see when discussing their upbringing. They are dogs that will do whatever it takes to please those they love, always trying to make others happy, which they perceive surprisingly, as they are sensitive and very intuitive.

Without a doubt, the temperament of the Schnoodle is distinguished by the union of the most positive traits of the parent breeds. However, this does not mean that they cannot develop certain destructive behaviors, as happens precisely with poodles and schnauzers, if they do not receive the attention they need or an adequate education.

How to take care of the Schnoodle?

The Schnoodle, as we mentioned, is particularly active, so it needs daily exercise.If he doesn't channel all the energy and waste it in he althy ways, like playing, walking, or running, that energy can turn into nervousness. This can become a problem, as the Schnoodle can suffer from disorders such as anxiety or even show destructive behaviors.

On the other hand, and continuing with the care of the Schnoodle, it must be given a quality diet, adapted to its nutritional and energy needs and in an appropriate quantity.

As for his coat, he will need at least 3-4 weekly brushings. This is very important because given the characteristics of the Schnoodle's hair, if left unbrushed, it tends to tangle and become dirty. In addition, we are faced with a dog that does not shed, which is why it is a perfect dog for people with allergies, so it will be necessary to visit the groomer to remove the dead hair that accumulates. Likewise, it should not be washed too frequently either.

Schnoodle Education

When we try to educate a Schnoodle dog, we will be amazed at how easily they can learn. This is explained by the characteristics mentioned above, since they are very daring and very curious dogs, which makes them often eager to learn. Added to all this is a key element: their desire to please their humans.

With dogs of this hybrid breed, techniques based on positive reinforcement work particularly well. Whether it's in the form of a treat, a hug, or just warm, loving words, rewards have a big effect on them and their learning. Of course, it's essential to be consistent, because if we don't set a work schedule or stick to it, no matter how smart they are, they won't be able to learn what we want to teach them. Likewise, the sessions should be short, 15 minutes maximum, so as not to bore the dogs with exercises that are too long.

On the other hand, it should be emphasized that techniques based on punishment or shouting are never adequate. These methods only generate frustration, fear, stress and anxiety in animals.

" Finally, as part of the education of the Schnoodle, it is very important to socialize it correctly. To do this, some relevant details in this regard are: start as early as possible, expose them to different environments, get them used to being in contact with different people, known and unknown, make them meet other dogs and animals. However, if you have adopted an adult Schnoodle, know that you can also socialize it by following the advice in this article: How to socialize an adult dog?."

Schnoodle He alth

The Schnoodle can exhibit some of the typical illnesses of both parent breeds. However, diseases that commonly affect poodles and schnauzers have been shown to, although they can attack schnoodles, do so in a much lower proportion.

Some of the diseases from which the Schnoodle suffers the most are those that affect the hearing system. This is due to the anatomy of their ears, which, combined with their special fur, makes these dogs' ears prone to fungal and bacterial infections. Therefore, it is essential to frequently check the Schnoodle's ears, perform cleanings and explorations. We should also be alert to the onset of symptoms of pain and illness, such as crying, continuous tilting of the head to one side, pain when touched, or even aggression.

It is important to protect our pet from as many diseases as possible. To do this, it is best to vaccinate him when he is a puppy and to follow the recommendations of the veterinarian. Likewise, it is important to keep them dewormed both externally and internally.

If we give the Schnoodle all the care it needs, the life expectancy of Schnoodles is estimated to be between 12 and 15 years.

How to adopt a Schnoodle?

If now that you know these dogs better, you have decided to adopt one, you must take into account certain considerations. To begin with, you must be sure that you can manage the education, in case you adopt a puppy, and the maintenance of the animal before even considering how and when to adopt it. In addition, it must be taken into account that an animal is a living being endowed with emotion that suffers and can fall ill at any time. Therefore, you must be ready to take care of him in case of illness, adopting the necessary medical measures, even if they are expensive or laborious.

To continue, you must always take into consideration the particular characteristics of the animal to be adopted. In this case, as we have already mentioned, we are dealing with an energetic and lively race.

If, taking into account all the needs of the Schnoodle, you decide to take the plunge and adopt one, it is best to go to the associations and animal shelters in your area.

Schnoodle Pictures

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