Lakeland terrier- Origin, Traits and Care

Lakeland terrier: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. The Lakeland Terrier is a small to medium sized dog, very...

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The Lakeland terrier is a very happy, affectionate, active and curious small to medium sized dog. However, he is endowed with a great hunting instinct. Indeed, they were created to kill the foxes that threatened the sheep of the Lake District or Lakeland, in England, from which they originate. They are descended from extinct dogs and two other terrier breeds. Keep reading this article from PlanèteAnimal to learn more about the Lakeland terrier, its origin, physical characteristics, character, education, care, he alth and where to adopt one.


  • Europe
  • United Kingdom

FCI Nomenclature

  • Group III

Physical Characteristics

  • End
  • Proportional
  • Long ears


  • Average


  • 35-45

Adult Weight

  • 3-10

Life expectancy

  • 12-14

Recommended physical activity

  • Average


  • Society
  • Very loyal
  • Active
  • Affectionate

Ideal for

  • House
  • Walking
  • The hunt
  • The guard

Recommended climate

  • Temperate

Hair type

  • Medium
  • Hard

Origin of the Lakeland terrier

The Lakeland terrier is a dog originating from England, more precisely from the Lake District, near the Scottish border. The ancestors of these dogs are the ancient, now extinct tan and black terriers, the Border terrier and the Bedlington terrier. It is believed that this breed was bred by farmers to eliminate foxes that were killing their Herdwick sheep. Additionally, the Lakeland terrier hunted rabbits, rats, and badgers.

The first breed club for this breed appeared in 1921, and within 15 years they were already famous for their success at dog shows in the United States and Europe. In 1967, the champion Stingray, a Lakeland terrier, won the two most prestigious dog shows in London and New York. In the 1990s, another prestigious dog of this breed appeared, winning more than a hundred grand prizes during its lifetime. Prior to their current name, these dogs were known as the Westmoreland terrier or Cumberland. The first standard was created in 1912, the breed was recognized in 1921 by the Kennel Club and in 1954 by the FCI.

Characteristics of the Lakeland terrier

The Lakeland terrier is a medium-sized, proportionate, fine-boned but strong and compact dog, very lively and quick. They measure 33 to 38 cm and weigh between 7 and 8 kg. The main characteristics of their body are as follows:

  • Rectangular head
  • Jaw similar in length to the skull, deep and strong
  • Dark eyes
  • V-shaped medium-sized ears
  • Long neck
  • Deep chest with well developed ribs
  • Short, strong loin with a slight slant in the hindquarters
  • Long, strong and muscular legs
  • Straight and short tail

The colors of the Lakeland terrier

The coat of the Lakeland terrier is double, with a soft and dense undercoat, snug to the body, and a harsh outer coat. To give these dogs the breed's characteristic appearance, the hair on the skull, ears, back, and chest is usually clipped, while the eye hair is left long. Dress colors can be:

  • Black
  • Bluish
  • Liver
  • Fawn
  • Blue and Fire
  • Liver and fire
  • Tan and black

What does a Lakeland terrier puppy look like?

Lakeland terrier puppies are small in size. In adulthood they are not big dogs, but they are strong and adorable. When they are puppies, and especially during the first weeks of their life, socialization and training are essential to avoid and control aggressive behavior as well as to put in place certain bases for a correct education in adulthood.

Lakeland terrier character

The Lakeland terrier is a fun-loving dog that is pleasant, gentle, friendly, affectionate and playful. However, they can develop aggression towards other dogs, hence the importance of proper socialization from an early age.They get along well with children, but since they are always on the alert, it can be dangerous to disturb their peace or stress them out, as they can become aggressive.

They are very good guardians and will not hesitate to defend the house and theirs if they perceive a threat. They also have a certain tendency to bark, so they must be educated on this aspect. They do, however, hate being disturbed while eating and can become aggressive if this happens. They are very curious dogs, they are aware of everything and seek to access all places, even those that are forbidden, so they must be fenced or closed, if necessary.

Lakeland terrier care

The Lakeland terrier is a dog that, although it does not shed much hair, needs to be brushed twice a week to maintain good hygiene. It should only be washed when it is really dirty or when it has a dermatological problem and it should be done using a special shampoo for dogs.The coat can also be trimmed at the groomer to maintain the typical appearance of the breed.

Their hunting instinct is intact, so during daily walks they must always be kept on a leash so that they do not chase other dogs they come across. Walks should be at least 30 minutes each so they can get the physical activity they need. On the other hand, their eyes are sensitive and must be cleaned frequently in order to maintain their hygiene. Likewise, their ears and teeth should be checked and cleaned to prevent infections, inflammations and other important diseases.

The Lakeland terrier's diet should be complete, balanced and in amounts appropriate for age, physiological condition, activity level, he alth and climate. It is also important that these dogs are checked annually by a veterinarian and whenever there is suspicion that something is wrong with them or that clinical signs of illness or behavioral changes are observed.Routine worming and vaccinations are also essential to prevent parasites, the illnesses they can cause, and the most common viral or bacterial infections in dogs.

Training and education of the Lakeland terrier

As mentioned above, these dogs need to be educated from an early age, so they learn what they should and shouldn't do. The key to education is that it be done with patience and with short, firm and dynamic sessions, based on positive reinforcement, a type of conditioning that aims for rapid and effective education. The latter is based on rewarding appropriate behaviors with treats, petting or games to reinforce positive behaviors.

Lakeland terrier he alth

The Lakeland terrier is a robust dog with a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. They have few diseases, but they seem more predisposed to the development of eye diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma, lens dislocation or microphthalmia, and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system, such as Legg-Calvé disease. Perthes, which consists of degeneration of the head and neck of the femur due to a lack of blood supply (avascular necrosis), leading to a process of osteoarthritis, lameness and pain.Another such condition is patellar luxation, which occurs when the kneecap moves out of place in the knee joint, causing instability, pain, and functional weakness.

How to adopt a Lakeland terrier?

Before adopting a Lakeland terrier, you should be aware of his needs and possible aggressiveness and consider whether or not you can take care of him as he requires. If, after reflection, you consider that you are a good candidate to have a dog of this breed, it is time to start looking for an adoption. The first step is to approach shelters or kennels near you and inquire about the availability of one of these dogs.

If there isn't one, you can find associations on the internet for this breed or for terriers in general where there may be a dog available. Either way, remember that all dogs deserve responsible adoption and there are plenty of dogs in shelters and foster homes waiting to be adopted and ready to offer you the same as you. any Lakeland terrier.

Pictures of Lakeland terrier

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