Red fox: characteristics and photos

The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a mammal belonging to the Canidae family and is the most studied of its genus (Vulpes). This magnificent animal is easily recognizable for its red coat and its very stylized port. Due to the destruction of its environment as well as the lack of food resources, the fox is increasingly approaching around urban areas, where garbage cans abound which, sadly, is its main source of food.

In this PlanèteAnimal page we will talk to you about the red fox. We will learn more about its origin, its way of being, where it lives, what it feeds on and many other curiosities.


  • Asia
  • Europe

Origin of the Red Fox

The red fox is the most widely distributed carnivore in the world. It lives throughout Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America and Oceania. In Australia they arrived from the hand of the human being in 1868 and it spread in great part of the continent. In North America, it is possible to find it in Canada and the United States. In France, it is found in several regions.

He is from the Old World. Their ancestral form was probably smaller, according to the fossil record which dates back to 300,000 years ago. Outside Europe, the fossils found date back more than 400,000 years. They are believed to have arrived in America 122,000 years ago.

Characteristics of the Red Fox

The red fox is a relatively small mammal, weighing only between 3 and 14 kg.Its muzzle is elongated, its ears are large and pointed, its tail is long, almost the same length as its body. Its legs are tall and slender and it is a very good runner and jumper.

In the red fox, yellow to reddish brown tones predominate on the upper part of the body. Its cheeks, chin, throat and abdomen are white. The head and rump area have a slightly oxidized color. Legs and ear tips are black. At the end of the tail it has a plume of white hair.

It shows a wide variation in size depending on the individual and the geographical area. The length of the head and body in adults can vary from 0.45 to 0.90 meters, the length of the tail is from 0.30 to 0.55 meters, and the body mass from 3 to 14 kg. Males are generally larger than females, but there are no other variations associated with sex.

Red Fox Habitat

The red fox is one of the species with the best ability to adapt to the environment.It is possible to find it in all types of natural environments, such as forests, deserts, mountains, beaches, tundras, etc. They can also live in suburban urban areas. Foxes like heterogeneous and fragmented environments. The availability of prey is the most important factor affecting its environment.

Red Fox Feeding

The red fox follows a very varied diet based on the consumption of rabbits, hares, squirrels, rats, mice and other mammals. Occasionally they also consume mustelids, raccoons, opossums and muskrats. In some areas and at certain times of the year, they may also eat birds.

They supplement their diet with wild fruits, insects, crustaceans, worms and fish.

Reproduction of the red fox

They are seasonal monogamous, that is to say that during the breeding season they stay with only one partner. The breeding season for foxes in temperate climates occurs between December and April, with the majority of matings occurring during the months of January and February.

Females only have heat that lasts between 1 and 6 days. Mating lasts an average of 26 minutes and gestation lasts about 52 days. The average number of babies is directly related to the he alth of the female. Abundance of food, sexual immaturity and population density affect reproductive capacity.

The red fox as a pet

Due to the popularity of these animals on the Internet, more and more people are wondering if it is possible to adopt a red fox as a pet. However, we must remember that these are undomesticated wild animals, which is why at PlanèteAnimal we do not recommend adopting foxes as pets.The same goes for the different species of foxes that exist, such as the desert fox, the gray fox or the arctic fox, none of them should be considered a pet.

Pictures of Red Fox