GUINEAFOOT - Characteristics, behavior and photos!

Guinea fowl: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. The guinea fowl is endemic to the African continent, but it was exported to...

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The guinea fowl is endemic to the African continent, but was exported to Europe by the ancient Greeks and is now found almost everywhere in the world. The guinea fowl has a very particular pattern in its feathers, although due to the existence of many similar species there is some confusion when it comes to identifying the real guinea fowls, an aspect that we will try to put clear in this article. Did you know that one of the main reasons for the geographical expansion of this animal is the guinea fowl's ability to control insect populations in a natural and environmentally friendly way?

Find out all about the guinea fowl in this PlanèteAnimal sheet, where we will talk about its origins, characteristics and reproduction, among other things. Happy reading!


  • Africa
  • Guinea

Origin of the guinea fowl

The domestic guinea fowl bears the scientific name numida meleagris. Although it is now also found in European countries (such as Italy and France), Asia and North and South America, as well as the islands of the Antilles and Madagascar, the guinea fowl is native to Africa, more precisely south of the Sahara. Although these animals live wild in their native countries, they have been highly valued as domestic poultry for centuries. More and more people keep poultry, in this case guinea fowl, as pets.

Physical characteristics of the guinea fowl

Guinea fowls are medium-sized, with an average length between 53 and 63 centimeters, weighing between 3.3 and 4 kg in males and just under 2.6 and 3.3 kg in females . Their body is ovoid in shape, with a tail sloping towards the ground and a stylized neck. The head is small in size and is crowned with a horny pyramidal cap of reddish color. The legs are grayish in color and the thumb is in a raised position. The feathers, which are the most prominent characteristic of the breed, are pearl gray or bluish gray, with rounded white spots. The skin is also white, although it has a bluish tinge on the head, where it has black spots.

Behavior and character of the guinea fowl

The guinea fowl is an exotic bird that has become popular because it has a number of abilities that make it very desirable. These rely on the guinea fowl's ability to consume insects without damaging local plants and vegetation.This is why they have become one of the most effective methods of biological control, since they do not kill all insects, but they regulate insect populations, without damaging the local plant ecosystem.

In addition, the guinea fowl is known to be a kind of "guard fowl" because it is on alert at all times, warning by its cackles of any threatening stimulus. In addition to this ability to warn us, the guinea fowl does not hesitate to face any situation, because it is very courageous and sometimes even a little pretentious!

In nature, these animals live in groups of about 20-25 individuals, with rivalries between males and fights between them. They usually cover long distances, but always running, because although they can fly short distances, they can cover more than 10 km per day while running. During the nesting season, the pairs separate from the herd, which they rejoin at the end of this period.

Reproduction of the guinea fowl

The guinea fowl is a monogamous bird, because as soon as it has a partner, it keeps it for life. That is, each male only copulates with the female that is his partner, so if we have more than one, it is recommended to have an equal number of males and females. To choose a mate, the bird follows a courtship ritual, in which the male courts several females, to increase his possibilities. When one of the females agrees to start breeding, there is copulation, which later leads to spawning.

Guinea fowl lay between 160 and 180 eggs per year. These eggs will be deposited in a nest built by the females on the ground, looking for a flat and vegetal place. Each clutch consists of around 7-17 eggs and will be incubated by the female guinea fowl for 25-30 days, when the eggs begin to hatch. Upon hatching, the chicks will be cared for by their mother until they are mature enough to start fending for themselves.During this time, the mother will be responsible for finding and providing food as well as protecting her young.

Guinea fowl as a pet

Whether they are appreciated for the quality of their eggs and their meat, as well as for their precious feathers, which have made it possible to domesticate these birds for centuries in Africa, or for their skills, there is no It's not uncommon to find guinea fowl on farms and even in some homes. If we want to have one of these poultry in our house as a pet, we must know all its needs and requirements.

The guinea fowl being omnivorous, its diet must include both animal and vegetable foods, although the latter are more numerous. In the animal food, we find insects, which the bird can peck in the garden or the ground, and/or which we must provide. In vegetable food we have fruits, tubers, cereals, seeds or flowers.

The guinea fowl is used to sleeping in trees or in perched places, so it is recommended that in its enclosure or the garden where it lives, there are trees or high platforms to this effect. The guinea fowl as a pet is also a good choice if we want to keep our garden or our plants in good condition, because these animals are very respectful and will not destroy our precious flowers and other crops

Pictures of Guinea fowl

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