Kohana - Origin, Characteristics and Care

The Kohana is a feline native to Hawaii and is in fact not a differentiated breed, in fact, it is a mutation of the sphynx cat and it is also a totally hairless specimen devoid of hair follicles. In terms of temperament, it is an ideal cat for the house, as it has a docile, affectionate and playful character and it gets along well with children and other animals. When caring for these cats, special care should be taken to protect their sensitive skin due to the lack of fur, and to provide them with the same care and attention as any other cat.

If you want to know the origin of the Kohana cat, its characteristics, its character, its care, its possible he alth problems and where to adopt a specimen, continue reading this article from PlanèteAnimal.


  • America
  • United States

Physical Characteristics

  • Thin tail
  • Big ears
  • Strong


  • Little

Average Weight

  • 3-5

Life expectancy

  • 15-18


  • Extrovert
  • Affectionate
  • Smart
  • Calm


  • Temperate

Hair type

  • Hairless

Origin of Kohana

The Kohana is a small American feline from Hawaii that was born in 2002. It was first thought to be the result of a natural mutation within a wild litter born in Hawaii, then it was thought to have originated from the cross made between a Donskoy cat and a sphynx cat, but it was more recently when DNA was analyzed that it was concluded that he is was a natural mutation that occurs in the sphynx cat.

The international feline federations do not consider the Kohana cat as a breed, but as a variety of the sphynx cat. Today it is a very rare breed, as there are very few specimens and those that exist often have he alth problems due to inbreeding.

Kohana Features

The Kohana cat is a muscular, large, medium-sized feline that can weigh between 3 and 6 kg and measure between 17 and 23 cm. Its hind legs are longer than its front legs, which gives them a particular movement when they move. The musculature of these cats is very well defined, which is all the more visible because they have no hair. They have a broad chest and a long curled tail.

Its head is conical in shape, with large curved ears and large almond-shaped eyes. His nose is straight and his chin and cheek bones are well defined.

The colors of the Kohana

The Kohana is a feline devoid of hair and hair follicles, it has a rubbery skin to the touch. The color of these cats will therefore be the color of their fur, which is usually white, black or cream.

It should be noted that these muscular cats have wrinkles all over their bodies, especially on the head, forehead and cheeks.

Character of the Kohana

The Kohana is a very affectionate, sociable, intelligent, energetic and playful feline. He loves spending time with his human companions and enjoys being the center of attention. Also, he always seeks to be with the guardian he has the strongest bond with, as these cats tend to have a favorite person.

Sociable, he tolerates home visits better than other breeds. Provided it is done correctly, the same goes with introducing new animals. He is always a cat who is always ready to play. He does not like to be alone in the house, so to avoid frustration and behavioral problems, it is good that this cat has a sufficiently enriched environment.

Kohana Care

These cats are hairless, so they don't have problems with hairballs and don't require frequent brushing.However, the lack of fur can be detrimental to their skin, which is totally exposed to sun, cold, allergies and pathogens. To prevent them from getting sunburn, sunscreen should be applied. During the colder months, the house should be kept at a good temperature and you should cover your cat with coats or blankets. To sanitize the surface of their body, as a lot of grease and detritus accumulates due to their lack of fur, you can wipe them down with cat cleaning wipes or damp cloths. Remember that you always have to dry it well so that it doesn't catch cold.

Care for ears, eyes and teeth should be the same as for any other cat because this is what helps prevent infections and inflammation affecting these parts of the body. These cats also do not have eyelashes, so the hygiene of their eyes cannot be neglected.

Because they are very energetic and hairless, their energy needs are higher and therefore these cats need to eat more every day. Their croquettes must be complete and adapted to this species. As you can imagine, he must always have water available.

Finally, these cats need dedicated guardians, with enough time and desire to play and take care of them. They should also have at least one litter box with suitable and, if possible, unscented litter to avoid irritation. A scratching post, at a minimum, is also important for them to develop a scratching behavior and to prevent them from scratching furniture in the house. They should also be provided with a perch and interactive toys and other environmental enrichment measures so that they are always active and not bored.

Kohana He alth

Provided they are not specimens that have suffered he alth problems due to inbreeding, these cats can live up to 17 years without problem. If your cat doesn't have any he alth issues, you really should remember that you need to be very careful about dermatological issues, because due to the characteristics of their skin, they may be prone to having them. It is therefore important to prevent them by protecting their skin on a daily basis and maintaining good hygiene for the rest of their body.

Also, to keep them he althy and have a good quality of life, it's very important to take them to the vet once a year to make sure they're okay . Also, don't forget to implement good preventive medicine with deworming, vaccinations, sterilizations and routine checks at the veterinary center. All this will allow us to prevent illnesses and quickly diagnose and treat any he alth problems that may appear.

How to adopt a Kohana cat?

Adopting a Kohana is extremely difficult and not recommended due to breed inbreeding and he alth issues. If you have fallen in love with this hairless cat, know that there are also other feline breeds or crosses of these that are hairless and can be adopted. Even if they have fur, any other cats you can find at the local animal welfare organization or shelter are worth adopting. And don't forget that before adopting a cat, you must think about whether you are really a good candidate to offer him a good quality of life.

" If you want to adopt a Kohana because you are allergic to cat hair, it is important to clarify that it is not the coat that causes the allergy and therefore the sphynx cat and its variants, such as the Kohana, is not considered a hypoallergenic cat.Discover The best cat breeds for people with allergies."

Pictures of Kohana