Your dog's pest control can kill your cat - Toutoupourlechien

If you have a dog and a cat, do not treat your cat with the same pest control product as your dog: it could kill him!

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Permethrin, a toxic molecule for cats

Anses, the national he alth security agency, reminds us in a press release published on May 7, 2019: certain antiparasitics that can be used in dogs are extremely toxic or even fatal for cats. More specifically, it is the external parasiticides based on permethrin that are responsible for the appearance of serious neurological disorders such as tremors and convulsions, which are potentially fatal for small domestic felines. In 2018, ANSES recorded 122 cases of adverse effects in cats after the administration of these flea treatments, including 54 serious cases and 6 fatal.

This sensitivity is due to the fact that the cat does not have, unlike the dog, the enzyme that allows the detoxification of permethrin. The molecule therefore remains in his body without him having the possibility of eliminating it.

Sometimes just a few drops of these concentrated products, most often available in the form of pipettes, are enough to induce these fatal adverse effects for the cat.

How to avoid accidents?

The ANSES press release reminds us that pest control products for pets are veterinary drugs, and as such, they are never completely harmless products. It is therefore essential to always read the instructions carefully before use and to scrupulously respect the precautions for use.

When you own both a dog and a cat, you need to buy pest control products specific to these two species.Most importantly: products containing permethrin should never be used in a cat, or on a dog when a cat lives with it. Otherwise, the mere fact that the cat licks the dog or is in contact with it could be fatal to it.

In the event of accidental exposure of a cat to a permethrin-based product, ANSES recommends immediately washing the animal in warm water with soap or dishwashing product (yes! yes! ), in order to eliminate as much product as possible and get closer to a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

Alas, the idea of swapping antiparasitic drugs for their natural alternative can also be dangerous for the cat. Indeed, natural solutions against external parasites often use essential oils to which the cat is also particularly sensitive.

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