Royal Canin Puppy Mini: advice, dosages and composition

Discover the complete nutritional composition of Royal Canin Puppy Mini dog food as well as the quantities to give to a puppy

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Label information

For which dogs?

Royal Canin Puppy Mini is complete food for small puppies aged 2 to 10 months and who will weigh up to 10 kg in adulthood.

Ingredients and additives

Composition: dehydrated poultry proteins, rice, animal fats, vegetable protein isolate, maize, beet pulp, maize flour, hydrolyzed animal proteins, maize gluten, mineral s alts, fish oil, oil soy, fructo-oligo-saccharides (0.34%), yeast hydrolyzate (source of manno-oligo-saccharides), yeast extracts (source of beta-glucans), marigold extract (source of lutein)

L.I.P. : protein selected for its very high digestibility.

Additives (per kg): Nutritional additives: Vitamin A: 21500 IU, Vitamin D3: 1000 IU, Vitamin E: 510 mg, E1 (Iron): 38 mg, E2 (Iodine): 3.8 mg, E4 (Copper): 12 mg, E5 (Manganese): 49 mg, E6 (Zinc): 126 mg, E8 (Selenium): 0.06 mg - Technological additives: Clinopti-lolite of sedimentary origin: 10 g - Sensory additives: Yucca extract: 125 mg- Preservatives - Antioxidants.

Analytical composition

Protein: 31%
Crude fat: 20%
Crude ash: 7.7% Crude fibre: 1.6%

Sources: brand website and product data sheet

Dosage: how much Royal Canin Puppy Mini can I give my dog?

Puppy age2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months
Adult weight

According to product data sheet

Label analysis

Nutritional profile of the food

The calculated energy density of Royal Canin Puppy Mini is 383.2 Kcal per 100g.

28.3% of total energy is provided by proteins
27.3% of total energy is provided by assimilable carbohydrates 44.4% of l total energy is provided by lipids or fats

energy density=%assimilable carbohydrates3.5 + %proteins3.5 + %lipids8.5


Quantitative protein analysis

The calculated protein-calorie ratio of Royal Canin Puppy Mini is 80.6g of protein per 1000Kcal. This means that these kibbles are sufficiently concentrated in protein for a small to medium-sized puppy. On the other hand, they do not contain enough protein for the needs of a neutered puppy.

Qualitative protein analysis

The source(s) of animal proteindehydrated poultry proteini.e. 2 ingredients out of 16 listed
Vegetable protein sources

animal protein hydrolyzate

vegetable protein isolate
corn flour
corn gluten
i.e. 5 ingredients out of 16 listed

The phosphorus content of these kibbles is 0.9% and the calculated protein-phosphorus ratio of Royal Canin Puppy Mini kibbles is 34.4.

Find out more about: the protein-phosphoric ratio

" The most"

Dehydrated poultry protein 1st in the list of ingredients.It is therefore the ingredient used in the product in the greatest quantity before cooking. This is rather a good thing for puppies who above all need animal protein in their diet. The protein-calorie ratio is between 30 and 35, which supposes either that the meat raw materials provide protein of decent quality. However, this ratio can be skewed by a high proportion of vegetable protein and should therefore be interpreted with caution.

" Least"

The species of meat materials used is not specified. The term poultry is general and allows the manufacturer to substitute the species used according to his supplies. The percentage of dehydrated poultry protein is not specified and therefore it is not necessary to know the percentage of animal protein compared to vegetable protein. 5 ingredients out of 16 are vegetable protein source ingredients.Vegetable proteins are of lower nutritional quality for dogs because they are most often incomplete compared to animal proteins. They are also more difficult for dogs to assimilate.

To read to understand: The protein needs of the dog. Proteins, what are they? What are they used for in dogs?


In these kibbles, lipids are mainly provided by animal fats, fish oil and soybean oil.
The omega 6 content of Royal Canin Puppy Mini kibbles is 3 .21% and the omega 3 content is 0.60% including 0.25% EPA and DHA. The omega 6/3 ratio is 5.35.

" The most"

Royal Canin Puppy Mini kibbles meet the puppy's needs for essential fatty acids, both omega-6 and omega-3. They also seem to provide enough EPA and DHA, long-chain fatty acids from the omega-3 family that are very useful to puppies for their cognitive development.

" Least"

These croquettes provide a little too much omega-6 compared to omega-3 so that the proportion of fatty acids is slightly unbalanced. Ideally, the omega6/3 ratio should be less than 5 or even 4.

To read to understand: The lipid needs of the dog. What are lipids? What are they used for in dogs?

Available carbohydrates

In Royal Canin Puppy Mini, the main sources of available carbohydrates are rice, corn and corn and corn flour. The estimated percentage of available carbohydratesof Royal Canin Puppy Mini is 29.9%.

Absorbable carbohydrates are carbohydrates that provide energy in the form of calories to the dog. Their percentage is calculated according to the following formula: %assimilable carbohydrates=100-%proteins-%lipids-%cellulose-%ash-%moisture. When not specified by the manufacturer, humidity is estimated at 10%.

" The most"

Rice is the most digestible carbohydrate source for dogs. It is the source of assimilable carbohydrates used in the greatest quantity before cooking in these croquettes. The percentage of assimilable carbohydrates in these croquettes is correct because it does not exceed 35%.

" Least"

Corn is a raw material that can be of low quality and which presents a greater risk of mycotoxin development. These toxins produced by molds can develop in the field or during grain storage. However, the mycotoxin content may be subject to control plans by the manufacturer. This point should be checked with the latter.

To read to understand: The carbohydrate needs of the dog

Calcium and phosphorus

The calcium percentage of these kibbles is 1.14% (i.e. a calcium "concentration" of 3 g per 1000Kcal) and their phosphorus percentage is 0.9%, i.e. a calcium / phosphorus ratio 1.26%.

" The most"

These croquettes follow FEDIAF recommendations in terms of calcium content. The phosphorus level is less than 1.1% and the Ca/P ratio is suitable for the growth of small to medium breed puppies.

To read to understand: The calcium needs of the dog

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