Solutions against barking

Accept what you can't change

Above all else, it is important to understand that a dog and its bark do not go without each other. Specific vocalization of the dog, barking is an essential means of communication for the latter. He is also able to modulate it according to the context, depending on whether he is barking in order to call his congeners or his owners, to attract attention, to warn or to threaten.

So we can't stop a dog from expressing itself through barking. Moreover, there are no "miracle solutions" to silence an animal that are not cruel and do not go against its well-being.When you have a dog, you have to accept that he can express himself freely by barking from time to time.

On the other hand, if your dog barks untimely to the point of bothering your neighborhood or driving you crazy, there are indeed solutions that can make your pet bark less. We will tell you about it in the rest of this article

What to do if your dog barks a lot?

If your dog barks a lot, you must first find the causes of this untimely barking in order to manage to limit it.

So your dog can bark:

  • for a yes or a no in your presence, as soon as he is excited or wants something a bit like a "spoiled child" who would give voice to obtain what he wants right away. In this case, education and learning to manage frustration and/or excitement is necessary, with the support of a canine behavior professional.You may even have unwittingly reinforced your dog's behavior yourself by complying with his "requests" as soon as he starts barking. Changing your habits is therefore also essential in this particular case.
  • because he's bored and it's the only way he's found to occupy himself. If so, then you have to ask yourself whether your dog's activity needs are sufficiently met.
  • in the garden or at the door of the house, as soon as someone passes in the street, thus exercising their instinct of guard. We can then limit barking by limiting your dog's access to these strategic places where he will be able to monitor everything or by installing curtains or screens that will no longer allow him to be visually stimulated.
  • in your absence, when you leave him alone at your home or even sometimes when you are no longer in his field of vision.There is then a good chance that your pet will suffer from loneliness-related disorders such as separation anxiety and/or hyperattachment. The implementation of behavioral therapy is then recommended.

Whatever the reasons that lead your dog to bark untimely and disproportionately, you must accept that the solutions to be implemented to limit his barking will not provide immediate results. It takes time, diligence and consistency to obtain results in the context of rehabilitation or behavioral therapy, but only these solutions will provide lasting results that respect the well-being of the animal. . It is best to get help from a behavioral canine trainer or a behavioral veterinarian so as not to be discouraged and to be sure to implement the strategies adapted to the particular case of your animal.

Barking: “solutions” to avoid

Faced with your dog's incessant barking, it may be tempting to opt for an "anti-bark" collar. These collars are based on negative reinforcement and punish the dog as soon as he barks by spraying him with a spray of citronella, or worse, an electric shock.

These collars should never be used because they undermine your dog's well-being, increase his stress and anxiety and can cause your pet pain or even burns. Some countries have already banned their marketing, like Great Britain.

Other cruel practices such as the removal of the vocal cords aimed at permanently silencing your dog are now completely prohibited in France.