Really resembling a small stuffed animal and with a truly soft character, the Labradoodle is the result of the cross between a standard Poodle and a Labrador retriever. This mixture gave impressive results, because the resulting hybrids are absolutely fantastic dogs. They are attentive, cuddly, collaborative and very playful. They are perfect for families with older people, as they have traditionally been bred to work as guide dogs and therapy dogs.
If you have adopted a crossbred dog and you think it may be a Labradoodle or if you want to learn more about this breed of dog, in this article from PlanèteAnimal we will explain everything tell you about the characteristics of the Labradoodle!
- Oceania
- Australia
Physical Characteristics
- Proportional
- Long ears
- Average
- 45-55
Adult Weight
- 10-25
Life expectancy
- 12-14
Recommended physical activity
- High
- Balanced
- Society
- Very loyal
- Smart
- Active
- Affectionate
- Quiet
- Docile
Ideal for
- Children
- Apartment
- House
- Walking
- Persons with disabilities
- Therapy
- Elderly people
- Allegric people
Recommended climate
- Temperate
Hair type
- Medium
- Long
- Curly
- Smooth
- Hard
- Big
Origin of the Labradoodle
" The first recognized Labradoodle specimen was recorded in 1955. However, it wasn&39;t until 1988 that Australian breeder Wally Conron introduced the world to this hybrid breed through his association called Guide de Victoire dogs, to be guide dogs.Thus, the goal of this cross was to create a hypoallergenic, cuddly, loyal dog with impressive learning abilities. From that moment, this mixture between the Labrador retriever and the standard Poodle began to be known and admired worldwide."
Currently, there is no unified breed standard; one of the main reasons is the lack of consensus on what crosses to make. Many breeders rely on the realization of first generation crosses, that is to say between Labradors and poodles, while others cross Labradoodles between them. This made them start to differentiate themselves.
Over time, many breeders have tried to develop the breed, but they have done it wrong, because they have not taken into account the genetics of the parents, hereditary diseases or parental ties. This caused the Lbradoodle to go through a very big crisis, as many of the puppies had congenital diseases or nervousness issues.However, other breeders, such as Mellodie Woodlye, kept all these criteria in mind and decided to develop the breed in a more respectful way, naming it differently in order to move away from bad practices. This new name was the Australian Cobberdog or Australian cobberdog.
Little by little the breed has consolidated and, currently, the Australian cobberdog is a breed officially recognized by the Australian Association MDBA.
The Labradoodle and the Australian Cobberdog are the same dog?
Although many people consider this to be the same hybrid, it is not. The Labradoodle is the cross between a Poodle and a Labrador which, after years of development, gave rise to the Australian Cobberdog. Thus, the Labradoodle is a crossbred dog, while the Cobberdog is a recognized breed, but not by all cynological organizations.
Labradoodle Features
The Labrapoodle is a breed resulting from the cross between standard poodles and Labradors, which explains many of its characteristics. As for its size, it can vary significantly, and it is differentiated into three types:
- Labradoodle toy, which measures between 35 and 50 centimeters.
- Average Labradoodle, 45 to 51 centimeters tall.
- Standard or large Labradoodle, which measures 53 to 63 centimeters.
Its weight is usually between 20 and 35 kilograms. Their life expectancy is between 9 and 15 years. Its morphology is very different from one specimen to another, since some look more like the Labrador retriever, while others will look more like the standard poodle and still others are real amalgams of the two breeds. Some of the characteristics found in all specimens are their legs, which are rounded and hairy, a tail, which is also rounded and long, and dark eyes and nose.On the other hand, the shape of their muzzle, their ears and the morphology of the rest of the body are not predictable.
Besides noticeable differences in size, there are also significant differences in appearance. For example, when talking about their fur, it can be curly and smooth, rough or soft, short or long, etc. Despite these differences, all Labradoodles generally have dense, thick hair, which is longer and more abundant. on the chest, head and legs. Likewise, another characteristic found in almost all specimens is that they are hypoallergenic.
Labradoodle Puppy
One of the peculiarities of this breed is that the puppies have no specific standard, and that there is a huge variation from one specimen to another. Even puppies from the same litter and same sex may not look alike at all. Also, the development and build of this hybrid dog breed largely depends on the care and conditions in which it was raised.So the food, diet and exercise you give them are some of the most important factors in determining how they look in adulthood.
In general, Labradoodle puppies can be said to be friendly, active, very playful, affectionate, and most importantly, very kind. From an early age, they are usually very curious and love water. If you have just adopted a Labradoodle puppy and want to start socializing him, do not hesitate to bring him to the authorized beaches for dogs, he will have a blast!
Labradoodle Colors
Due to the lack of an official breed standard, there are no limits on which colors are allowed and which are not. Some of the possibilities are: red, black, cream, brown, chocolate, blue, gray or chalk, and there are many more. In fact, it's entirely possible to find a white, black, or spotted Labradoodle.
Labradoodle mini
As we said, a Labrapoodle comes from the mix between a Labrador retriever and a Standard Poodle but, what if the cross is between a Labrador retriever and a Miniature Poodle? You will get an adorable miniature Labradoodle!
In this crossbreed dog, the general characteristics match those of the Labradoodle, so the only difference is in the size, which is much smaller than that of their medium and large sized counterparts. In general, they are active, cheerful and very affectionate, they adore the company and attentions of all kinds from their family.
Labradoodle Character
Due to the excellent character and qualities of the parent breeds, Labradoodles have absolutely admirable personalities. These dogs are known to be extremely sociable and intelligent dogs, something unsurprising as the Poodle and Labrador Retriever both top the list of smartest dogs.They are also distinguished by their poise and calmness.
For the above reasons, the Labradoodle is an absolutely perfect crossbreed dog for families, as he loves children and enjoys spending time with them, taking care of them and playing. He is also a very good therapy dog and he is also very competent as a competent guide dog. It adapts well to all types of spaces and all types of company, as it is welcoming and warm with everyone. Although it can tolerate all types of climates, it has a slight preference for temperate climates.
Caring for a Labradoodle
Taking good care of a Labradoodle is essentially based on two pillars: food and care. The most important thing is to provide them with quality food, adapted to their nutritional needs and the level of physical activity that the animal usually has. It will be necessary to offer them a diet rich in proteins, omega 3, vitamins and minerals such as calcium or phosphorus, which are essential for them to enjoy good he alth.You will also need to control the doses, as these are gluttonous dogs that will gain weight easily.
As for the attention it requires, one of the most important is the company, as well as a lot of love, because it is a dog that needs to be accompanied to stay happy and balanced . Faced with loneliness, he can easily become taciturn, sad and evasive, because the latter frustrates him as much as it worries him.
As for the maintenance of its coat, it varies greatly from individual to individual, because, as we have said, the coat of the Labradoodle can be of several types and each of them will have to be cared for in a different way. The important thing is therefore to adapt these treatments to the type of hair your Labradoodle has.
Labradoodle Education
The education of a Labradoodle is generally quite simple to lead because they are very docile dogs who are very eager to learn.This ability is enabled by the combination of parent breeds, since the Poodle and the Labrador retriever are both known for their ease of training.
Of course, it's important to socialize your dog from an early age. It will also be essential to teach him to eat well, getting him used to not being given treats too often and not being given food for whining or being too insistent Of course, to avoid this kind of situation, the best One thing to do is to set meal times and not wait until the dog is hungry to feed him. If you anticipate and offer food at the right time, the animal will not show anxiety or nervousness.
On the other hand, as we said, the Labradoodle is an excellent therapy dog and guide dog. In any case, both for basic training and for advanced training, it is essential to use positive reinforcement and to avoid techniques that do not respect the animal's well-being, such as shouting. , punishment or physical violence.
Labradoodle He alth
The Labradoodle is, in general, a he althy dog. However, he can suffer from a number of diseases such as hip dysplasia, a problem they inherit from the two breeds they come from, as this disease is common in Poodles and Labradors. Faced with this condition, the most important thing is to carry out good veterinary follow-up in order to be able to make an early diagnosis, which will improve the prognosis.
Another of the most common Labradoodle diseases is progressive retinal atrophy, which affects eye he alth, damaging the retina and causing blindness if not treated properly. This breed also tends to suffer from multifocal retinal dysplasia, a condition typical of Labradors, which also affects their retina he alth.
Where to adopt a Labradoodle?
If, after reviewing the characteristics of the Labradoodle in terms of morphology and character, you want to share your life with one of them, it is logical that you ask yourself: where to adopt a Labrapoodle or a mini-Labradoodle? Although you can buy a Labradoodle, at PlanèteAnimal we always encourage you to go to kennels, shelters and pet stores in order to adopt one and thus, little by little, fight against the abandonment of animals.As this dog is a mixed breed dog, it is possible to adopt a Labradoodle and it is not necessarily complicated to find a dog that we can save in order to give him a second chance. The most effective way to do this is to contact the nearest SPA and ask them directly.
On the other hand, when you pick up the puppy or the adult dog, you must be able to roughly assess whether he is in good he alth and whether he has a character that suits yours. To do this, we invite you to follow the following tips:
- Look at the state of his mucous membranes: nose, eyes, mouth and ears, they must be pink and without abnormal secretions.
- Ask for the puppy's he alth record, to see what vaccinations and deworming have been done. In addition, the exact or approximate date of birth will be recorded, whether the origin of the dog is known or not.
- Evaluate the behavior of the puppy or adult dog, both with other dogs and with people, in order to know if he is well socialized or if you will have to work on this aspect.
- If they don't inform you, ask if the dog is neutered and microchipped.
After considering all the above aspects, if you feel that the dog has not quite adapted to your lifestyle or if you think that you may not be able to assume the responsibility of offering him a good life, it will be wiser to accept it and adopt another dog that you can take care of. Sometimes, due to their previous experiences, some dogs, Labradoodle or other breeds, can be fearful or insecure, so it will be necessary to work with them to restore their safety and confidence.
Photos of Labradoodle or Labrapoodle