Brahma Hen - Origin, Characteristics and Care

Brahma hen: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. Domestication has been practiced since time immemorial and one of...

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Domestication has been practiced since time immemorial and one of the groups of animals that has been domesticated is that of birds, as with our friends the hens. One of the breeds created by selective crossing is the Brahma hen, an imposing and large specimen, the origin of which has been discussed, although everything seems to indicate that, although it was created in the United States around 1840, it was from crosses between Asian hens, originating in China, known as Shanghai (Cochinchinese) and Malay fighter that it was finally obtained.

We invite you to continue reading this PlanèteAnimal file in order to discover everything about this breed, which takes its name from the Brahmaputra river in India, where it was marketed. Let's discover together all the characteristics of the Brahma hen!

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  • Asia
  • China

Characteristics of the Brahma hen

One of the characteristics that stands out the most is the size of the Brahma hen, as it is one of the largest breeds of hens in existence. Let's see what are the most outstanding characteristics of the Brahma breed:

  • The Brahma hen is a strong animal: broad in build and tall. The weight of the males varies from 3.5 to 5 kg and that of the females from 3 to 4.5 kg.
  • The Brahma is considered a giant race: because there are individuals that can exceed 60 cm and measure almost a meter. But there are also smaller specimens.
  • Her chest is well developed: and her body is fleshy and voluminous.
  • Its head is small compared to the body: with a pea-shaped crest, also smaller.
  • She is fully feathered: even down to the tarsi, with small feathers.
  • Its beak is small: but powerful and its chin is red.
  • The tail of the Brahma hen is short: although its feathers in this area are longer.
  • Its wings are rounded: small and close to the body.
  • They can have different color combinations: from light, like white or beige, to dark, like black, brown, bluish and orange.

Below you can see what are the differences between a rooster and a hen and also find out Why don't hens fly!

Habits of the Brahma hen

In general, despite its imposing appearance, it is a breed of chicken with a calm character. She has a docile temperament, but she is not very agile. She is characterized by her trust in others.

Because it does not fly, it can be found in more or less open spaces, without fear that it may escape. On the other hand, thanks to its docility, it can coexist with other breeds of hens of similar temperament. It is not a noisy breed and the crowing of roosters is weak.

If you want to know "Why do roosters crow, don't miss the previous article!

Brahma chicken feed

The Brahma hen likes to feed on the ground, in the vegetation, so it is very important to let her do it. It is a bird that likes to eat worms and different insects that it captures.

However, this way of feeding is not quite sufficient because they do not live in natural areas where these invertebrates really abound. The consumption of worms is therefore more a kind of nutritional supplement. As it is a large animal, the Brahma hen needs a lot of food.

Conventional food for these birds is only part of their diet and it is important to include mealworms, insects, hard boiled eggs, they may even eat oatmeal as well as some supplements. You can also feed him vegetables.

Reproduction of the Brahma hen

A rooster can be with several females, and they start laying eggs around 7 months. It is not a very productive breed, but the females are good mothers. The main spawning takes place during the winter months. As for the appearance of the eggs of the Brahma hen, the latter logically correspond to the size characteristics of the breed, therefore they are large and they weigh at least 55 grams.

On the other hand, the eggs of the Brahma hen are uniform in color i.e. reddish brown. After laying, they sit on their nest. Its average annual clutch is 120 eggs.

Caring for a Brahma hen

The Brahma hen is a hardy breed, which, although it may have a preference for cold areas, can live well in warmer areas. Because of their size, their coop should also be big.

It is better that they live in dry places because, as even their legs have feathers, if these hens live in places that are too humid or too dirty, they will inevitably have problems with their legs. For these hens to enjoy a good state of he alth, they must live in a clean chicken coop in which they will be well fed. In addition, it is necessary that they can walk around freely during the day.

Conservation status of the Brahma hen

Domestic animals are not included in the classification of the International Union for Conservation of Nature because the latter, which is the official world body, mainly studies wild species.

However, we can tell you that the Brahma chicken has been very famous for a while, very attractive for its size and docility. Even so, the fever for him has subsided and he spawns in various parts but with less pressure.

Pictures of Brahma Hen

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