Lavender for dogs: benefits and uses

In addition to its pleasant fragrance and pretty color, lavender is full of benefits for our dogs. Discover its indications.

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A few words about lavender

The word lavender may come from the Latin term lavanda which means "to wash or bathe" . This plant would therefore take its name from its ancestral use in bath water or to perfume freshly washed linen.

The term lavender is actually a generic name designating sub-shrubs belonging to the genus Lavandula, which grow spontaneously or are cultivated in the dry regions around the Mediterranean and central Europe. The branches of these shrubs are branched and bear narrow leaves as well as small, very fragrant flowers grouped in blue-violet spikes.

In herbal medicine and cosmetology, two species of lavender and a hybrid are more specifically used:

  • officinale lavender Lavandula angustifolia, also known as fine lavender or true lavender,
  • spike lavender Lavandula latifolia,
  • lavandin, the sterile hybrid of the two previous species, mainly used for its perfume.

What are the benefits of lavender for dogs?

The essential oil of lavender officinalis and aspic lavender have healing and anti-inflammatory properties when used in skin care, in case of wounds, light burns, dermatitis or envenomation by bites of insects. They can also be used for the hygiene of your companion's ears or in diffusion to reduce stress. With the exception of this last application, it is generally necessary to dilute the essential oils of lavender in a vegetable oil to a maximum of 10% before using them on the skin or coat of your dog.


As a precaution, the use of essential oils of lavender is strictly discouraged in pregnant or lactating females as well as in puppies under 3 months old. Use in cats is prohibited. As a general rule, always ask your veterinarian for advice before using any essential oil or herbal medicine on your pet.

Lavender hydrosol, when used orally, is anxiolytic, antispasmodic and anti-ulcer. Cutaneously, it has the same properties as essential oils and can be used safely to clean a small minor wound or relieve itchy skin.

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