7 mobile apps for dog owners - Toutoupourlechien

Discover our selection of the 7 best essential mobile applications for all connected dog owners!

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My Companion and SOS PETS

Deworming, renewal of antiparasitic treatment, vaccination reminder the life of our pet dogs is filled with small appointments that an owner can easily forget.

To avoid missing anything, the Mon Compagnon and SOS Pets applications have created an online he alth record to keep your pets' information permanently on you. If the first application is primarily intended for policyholders of the insurer Solly Azar to send reimbursement requests to the insurance company, it remains accessible and useful to everyone.

These two applications allow you to:

  • to create alerts on upcoming events such as vaccine reminders, appointments with the veterinarian or even on the administration of a dewormer or the renewal of an antiparasitic treatment and to synchronize them with its calendar in the case of My Companion,
  • fill in your pet's medical record by recording the treatments prescribed to it or the date of the medical or surgical procedures it has undergone,
  • to share your dog's he alth record with the person who will have custody of it during your vacation,
  • to geolocate the nearest veterinarian and show you the route by communicating with the GPS application installed on your phone,
  • record and track your pet's weight,
  • access practical information that may be useful in the event of a veterinary emergency (number of the National Center for Veterinary Toxicological Information, first aid measures, etc.)

Small bonus for SOS Pets: it also provides you with a list of professionals (excluding vets) who have signed a charter for the well-being and respect of animals: animal taxis, pensions, educators, groomers or even walkers

Borrow my doggie

Borrow my doggie is a solidarity dog care application. As a dog handler, it allows you to have your dog looked after by private users of the platform who live near you and as a "doggie borrower" , it allows you to benefit from the joyful presence of a canine for a few hours to a few days.

Access to the application, registration and consultation of member files is free but to contact a member, you will need to subscribe for one year at the price of €39.90 for dog owners and €9.90 for borrowers.The price of the subscription includes veterinary insurance which covers damage suffered by dogs in the event of an accident during on-call duty, the right to contact members in an unlimited manner and online at a 24-hour veterinary assistance line.

The advice of toutoupourlechien.com

The Premium subscription includes damage insurance for the borrower which covers material, immaterial and bodily damage caused by a dog at a borrower. However, this insurance is reserved for Premium members and comes with a deductible of €250. Before you start, check with your insurer to see if your civil liability does not offer better guarantees.


Filalapat is an application developed by i-cad, the national identification file for domestic carnivores. As a pet owner, she allows:

  • to register your animal, dog, cat or ferret there under the identification number of his tattoo or his microchip,
  • to report a temporary change of address for your pet,
  • to create an announcement in case of loss of your pet,
  • to inform the mode of feeding, the he alth problems and the character of your animal intended for the people who will be likely to collect it.

For everyone, it lets the owner of a lost animal know where it has been seen or found.

Lost or found animal?

Also remember to consult the Pet Alert network on Facebook, very effective when it comes to finding lost animals!


Trusted Housesitters.com is an application that connects pet owners looking for a home sitting solution and people willing to take care of them on site around the world.

It is therefore a very good plan both for pet owners worried about leaving their home vacant and who are looking for a care solution for their pet, as well as for travelers who want to get away from it all at a lower price!

Registration for the application is free but an annual subscription is required to get in touch with the owners or the traveling pet-sitters!

The application being international, the ads are written in English! It is therefore necessary to master at least the language of Shakespeare to use it!


Woog is an application that promises to make your pooch's walks much more fun for him and for you!

100% free, it allows you to discover new walking routes and to report and consult in real time all the practical information that may be useful to you during the walk: presence of a point of water, a garbage can, places where dogs must be kept on a leash or even a remarkable point of view.

Like a sports application, it also allows you to record your hairy's walks and consult "his performance" : walk time, Kcal burned, achievement of his walk goals, etc.

A local meeting option for lonely walkers should soon be available!


Want to know what breed a dog seen on the street belongs to? Then Dog scanner is the app for you!

Scan the dog whose breed you want to identify and the application finds it for you among the 350 dog breeds that exist!

At toutoupourlechien.com, we tested it twice on purebred dogs and the app was right twice! On the other hand, we have not tested it on a crossbred dog but in this matter nothing beats the DNA test to know the breed of its 2 parents!


Developed by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Petoxin (or APCC by ASPCA) is an application that allows you to keep abreast of the dangers to which our dogs are exposed on a daily basis. Toxicity of garden or house plants, certain foods or household products, the application informs you at a glance. Only problem: the application is in English and reserved for English speakers only. For French speakers, there is always the intoxication section of toutoupourlechien.com!

Mock-up credits: Freepik

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