My dog ​​has a cold: what should I do?

How does a cold manifest in dogs?

In a dog, cold symptoms are quite similar to those of humans and can consist of:

  • a cough,
  • sneezing,
  • truffle flow,
  • a feverish state likely to associate fatigue and a decrease in appetite.

These symptoms are not very specific, also suggestive of other ENT and respiratory pathologies, in particular kennel cough, a very contagious infectious disease for dogs and which can result in the death of the animal in some case.

If you suspect a cold in your dog, it is best to consult a veterinarian without delay.

How can a dog catch a cold?

Rest assured, it's definitely not you who will transmit the cold to your pet. The common cold is not a disease that is transmitted from humans to dogs and vice versa.

On the other hand, your dog can catch a cold due to a cold snap and when his immune system is vulnerable to external aggression. This is particularly the case for young dogs, very old dogs or dogs that are immunocompromised due to a chronic disease from which they already suffer.


Your dog can also suffer from hay fever in the spring, when thousands of allergens like pollen are suspended in the atmosphere. The symptoms then consist of rhinitis and repeated sneezing.Sometimes hay fever can be accompanied by skin manifestations.

How to prevent colds in dogs?

To prevent your dog from catching colds in the cold season, just take precautions to keep your dog warm in winter:

  • bring a coat on outdoor walks,
  • carefully wipe his paws and belly after returning from a rainy walk or in the snow (even dry him with a hair dryer if necessary),
  • don't cut his hair too short,
  • fill your bed with a blanket and place it away from humidity and near a heat source,
  • eliminate drafts and avoid exposing your dog to sudden temperature changes.

You can also boost your dog's immune system with prebiotics and probiotics, a few drops of grapefruit seed extract (to put in his drinking water) or bee products .

How to cure it?

If your dog has a cold, the main treatment is to keep the dog well hydrated and rest.

Encourage your dog to drink more and keep your dog warm by reducing walks to only hygienic walks for a few days.

If you don't have a cat at home and your pet is an adult, you can diffuse a sanitizing blend of Ravintasara, Eucalyptus Radiata, Scots Pine and Tea Tree essential oils for 15 minutes in your home.

Monitor your pet's state of he alth very closely and consult your veterinarian without delay if your dog's condition does not improve very quickly and/or if he develops new symptoms.