Can you give watermelon to your dog?

Is watermelon a recommended fruit for dogs? And if so, for which dogs? How to distribute it to your dog and in what quantity?

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What's in the watermelon?

Watermelon (or watermelon) is a summer fruit rich in water and fiber, relatively low in sugars (compared to other fruits) and which contains many nutrients of interest for the dog among powerful antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene as well as vitamins and minerals.

It is therefore quite possible to give watermelon to your dog to give him the benefits of these nutrients.

When to give watermelon to your dog?

Watermelon as a treat

Like other fruits such as apples, watermelon can be used as a "he althy" treat for your dog. It will advantageously replace biscuits or much more energetic dog snacks at a lower calorie.

Watermelon to hydrate and refresh your dog

With its 90% water and its sweet taste, a slice of watermelon will hydrate and refresh your dog in the event of scorching temperatures, especially if he tends not to drink enough. It is particularly useful in very young dogs, older dogs or sick dogs who are more susceptible to dehydration in case of high heat.

Is watermelon not recommended for some dogs?

Because of its sugar content (however moderate), watermelon should be avoided in diabetic dogs.

Rich in fiber, watermelon is also likely to cause some digestive disorders (diarrhea) in sensitive dogs, which are not used to it or when the quantities of watermelons distributed have been too large.

The best thing is then to introduce watermelon gradually and in very small quantities into your dog's diet to see how your dog reacts to it.

From watermelon to my dog: in what form?

Strip the watermelon of its skin before giving it to your dog. Although rich in nutrients, it is also quite hard and could cause intestinal blockages.

For the same reasons, prefer seedless varieties of watermelon or seedless fruit flesh.

You can give watermelon to your dog as it is or mixed as a smoothie with other fruits, in fresh juice or in the form of frozen treats.

Watermelon: how much for my dog?

There are no specific quantity recommendations to follow. But, if you consider watermelon as a treat for your dog, then the quantities distributed should not represent more than 10% of a dog's daily energy requirement (knowing that 100g of watermelon represents 35Kcal).

Before reaching this maximum, it is advisable to first test your dog's good tolerance to watermelon by only giving him small quantities (a few small dice) and observing what that gives in their stools, before increasing to larger amounts.

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