Dog Ponytail Syndrome

What is cauda equina syndrome in dogs? What are its symptoms and what treatments are possible?

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Cauda equina syndrome: definition and causes

In dogs, the "ponytail" refers to the nerve roots present at the lumbosacral junction, that is to say between the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum, in the extension of the spinal cord spine.

When these nerve roots are compressed, we observe a set of neurological disorders grouped under the term cauda equina syndrome.

This nerve root compression finds its origin in:

  • degenerative lumbosacral stenosis,
  • a congenital vertebral malformation,
  • an instability of the junction between the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum,
  • trauma,
  • discospondylitis,
  • the presence of a tumor,
  • a herniated disc or lumbosacral,
  • a fibrocartilaginous embolism,
  • neuritis,
  • hyperplasia or hypertrophy of the yellow and intervertebral ligaments,
  • a proliferation of the vertebral articular facets.

How does cauda equina syndrome manifest in dogs?

When a dog suffers from cauda equina syndrome, he presents:

  • pain at the lumbosacral level,
  • urinary or fecal incontinence,
  • a lameness of his hind leg(s),
  • a hindquarter weakness,
  • tail paralysis.

On the other hand, his forelimbs show no deficit.

How is cauda equina syndrome diagnosed in a dog?

To diagnose cauda equina syndrome, the veterinarian must use electromyography and/or imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans or MRIs.

What are the treatment options?

Medical treatment simply reduces the pain felt by the dog in case of cauda equina syndrome. It involves rest, reduction of the dog's weight and the administration of anti-inflammatories.

But, the treatment of choice for this condition is surgery. It consists of decompressing the nerve roots through different techniques, which can vary depending on the problem that is causing the syndrome.

The prognosis is generally good for dogs with moderate neurological deficits or pain. On the other hand, it is more reserved in dogs with incontinence.

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