GOLIATH Frog - Origin, Behavior and Feeding

The Goliath frog is a species of amphibian anurans native to the African continent that is distinguished by its large size of more than 30 cm in adulthood. It is currently recognized as the largest frog in the world, but, unfortunately, its survival is threatened by the advance of human activity in its natural habitat.

To learn more about this species of frog, which is a curious giant amphibian, continue reading this breed sheet from PlanèteAnimal in which you can discover everything about the Goliath frog, such as its origin, appearance, its behavior and reproduction!

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  • Africa
  • Cameroon
  • Guinea

Origin and habitat of the Goliath frog

The Goliath frog (Conraua goliath) is a species native to West Africa and it belongs to the family Conrauidae, which includes different anuran amphibians native to the West African continent. Its population is mainly concentrated between mainland Guinea and Cameroon, more precisely in a region called Nkongsamba. In their natural habitat, these frogs have a clear predilection for humid, dense forests and they are able to survive at altitudes that can go up to 1000 meters above sea level.

Although they are best adapted to tropical climates and high temperatures, they tend to congregate near bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers or small streams because they need them to hydrate their body.

" Its name is due to its disproportionate size, unusual among frogs, in clear reference to the biblical giant soldier Goliath, who served in the army of the Philistines and who was killed after a fight against the little David. "

Appearance and morphology of the Goliath frog

The Goliath frog, as its name suggests, is a large, robust amphibian, which can measure up to 33 cm in adulthood, from the tip of the snout to the vent, and about 80 cm when his body is fully stretched. Most specimens of this species measure between 17 and 25 cm, with a body weight that can vary between 600 g and 3 kg.

This giant amphibian is distinguished by its large eyes, always very wide apart, whose diameter can reach 2.5 cm and which are somewhat domed. Its hind legs are longer than its front legs, and all have membranes that interact with each other, allowing it to swim with great dexterity.

On the back, the Goliath frog has moist, grainy skin, which can range in color from olive green to a brownish tint. The skin on her belly is thinner and smoother, and it has softer shades of yellowish, orange, or cream. Although the adults of this species are very easily distinguished from other frogs, their tadpoles are very similar to those of other species, and their size is not particularly remarkable.

Behaviour of the Goliath frog

Goliath frogs tend to be most active at night, when they search for prey along the banks of the rivers and waterfalls they call home. When hunting, they take advantage of their privileged vision and their ability to jump over long distances. Adult individuals tend to spend a lot of time hiding between rocks, where they can rest and avoid predators, while young Goliath frogs spend most of their days underwater.

In terms of diet, the Goliath frog is a carnivorous animal that behaves like a top predator in its natural habitat. These amphibians are skilled hunters and their diet usually includes the consumption of insects, worms, crustaceans, lobsters, fish, molluscs, small snakes, turtles, salamanders and even other small species of frogs.

However, during the first phase of their lives, Goliath frog tadpoles maintain a herbivorous diet, as their diet is based solely on the consumption of an aquatic plant called Dicraeia warmingii, which primarily inhabits the water bodies. fast-flowing water near which Goliath frogs live.

Although the Goliath frog has gained some popularity as a pet in recent decades, it tends not to adapt very well to life in captivity.These amphibians can suffer greatly from environmental changes and are easily affected by stress, and it is difficult to provide them with a fresh, natural diet that fully meets their nutritional needs.

Reproduction of the Goliath frog

Despite the absence of vocal sacs, in order to attract females during the breeding season, males often emit a kind of hissing noise with their mouths open. Hearing this sexual cry, the females go in search of fertile males to mate. Similarly, it is not yet known exactly what characteristics of males allow them to obtain the preference of females.

Like many amphibians that have an aquatic life cycle, Goliath frogs need water to reproduce. With the arrival of the mating season, the males concentrate in the rocky regions of the tropical forests, from where they emit their particular sexual call to attract the females.

A few months after mating, the females head for the spawning areas that have been previously set up by the males. At this time, they lay hundreds of small eggs in the water, some of which adhere to the aquatic vegetation, while the others will settle to the bottom of the body of water.

This abundant spawning is very important for the survival of the Goliath Frog, as many fertilized eggs eventually become food for aquatic predators. A small number of them hatch after 85-95 days. Even fewer young individuals reach adulthood, and these frogs have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

Goliath Frog Conservation Status

Although it has few natural predators, such as snakes and crocodiles, humans are the main threat to the survival of Goliath frogs. In addition to encroaching on their habitat to build cities and fields, humans continue to hunt Goliath frogs for their meat, to run them on frog runs, or to sell them as pets.

For all these reasons, according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species, the Goliath frog is currently considered an endangered species. Although protected in some national parks in West Africa, the Goliath frog population continues to decline.

To try to reverse this negative perspective, initiatives are being promoted to raise awareness among the local population of the importance of the goliath frog for the balance of ecosystems and to limit the expansion of productive areas in order to respect the natural habitat of this species.

Pictures of Goliath Frog