5 tips for a clean house with a dog

Hair, dirt on the ground and bad smells at home are part of the adventure when you have a dog. But this is not inevitable

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A clean dog, a clean house

If you want to keep your home clean for as long as possible, the first step is to reduce all dirt emissions at the source, by focusing on the cleanliness and he alth of your dog's coat!

To avoid bad smells in the house, start by washing your dog with a suitable shampoo once a month at most. If your pet needs a little clean between two baths, bet on a more basic toilet with a damp glove or with a dry shampoo (powder or foam). These tips will give your pet's coat a facelift without harming the he alth of their skin! Also remember to machine wash his bedding at least once a week to avoid the development of bad odors on your dog's coat and in your home!

To remove as much dead hair as possible before it litters the floor of your living room, brush your dog regularly, depending on the nature of his coat. Be aware that there are grooming brushes for this, which are designed to fit directly or via a hose on the handle of your vacuum cleaner. This clever accessory allows you to suck up hair "at the source" and thus prevent it from scattering throughout your interior.

Finally, if your animal loses a lot of hair, you may also be interested in the quality of its diet. Sometimes, it is a deficit in proteins of good nutritional quality, in vitamins (in particular in group B vitamins), in minerals, in trace elements or in essential fatty acids can accentuate hair loss. It is sometimes enough to swap his kibbles for other, better quality ones and/or to supplement his dog with brewer's yeast and fish oil rich in omega-3, to see the difference in the beauty of the hair. of your pet and on your tiles!

Think "hygiene" rather than "decoration"

One of the keys to keeping your house clean is the "hygienic design" of your interior upstream. What does it mean ? Quite simply, to think about how you arrange and equip your home to maintain it as easily and as quickly as possible afterwards.

For example:

  • avoid placing carpets that retain hair in a room where your dog will usually go,
  • for your dog, choose a basket with a removable cushion that you can machine wash,
  • install dog “cleaning stations”. To do this, place towels, wipes, and a wet washcloth in a basket in strategic places in the house: near the front door or near the French windows to always have them under the but to wipe your dog when he comes back from outside

Training your dog

Educating your dog will indirectly allow you to keep your house clean much more easily. You can for example:

  • prohibit a room in the house for your dog, such as a bedroom where hair is not allowed,
  • teach your dog the indication "to the basket" so that he can go there while waiting to dry off after a rainy walk. You can also set up a “cleaning station” for your dog near your front door where you will teach your dog to go as soon as he returns from a walk in order to leave dirt and mud at your doorstep.
  • teach your dog the indication "you stay" or "not move" so that he gives you time to go get something to wipe him before returning from the garden or from a walk with covered paws mud.

Bet on natural products to wash and perfume your home

To clean the dirt that your dog has scattered all over your interior, bet on natural products such as black soap to clean the floors or a third white vinegar mixed with 2 thirds of sparkling water to clean a stain on a rug or carpet. These products are non-irritating to your pet's skin and respiratory tract, but they are also inexpensive, which is not negligible when you have to use them often!

To effectively deodorize the rooms of your home and eliminate wet dog odors, diffuse a blend of essential oils of green mandarin, fine lavender and ylang ylang. In addition to smelling good, this mixture will have the additional effect of relaxing your dog as well as all the inhabitants of the house.


Do not diffuse essential oils if you have a cat or newborn at home!

Invest in a robot vacuum cleaner

If you can, equip yourself with a robot vacuum cleaner that will help you with household chores and give you more quality free time to spend with your dog. There are very effective "special animal" models, but unfortunately they are still relatively expensive and not affordable for everyone!

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