Can you give an apple to a dog?

Is the apple good or not recommended for the dog? In what form can you give it to your dog and in what quantities?

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The apple, a fruit with multiple he alth benefits for the dog

Of course, you can give an apple to a dog. This is a slightly sweet, water-rich, relatively low-calorie he althy treat that most dogs enjoy.

In addition, the apple is a particularly rich fruit:

  • in fiber, known to improve digestive comfort and regulate dog transit. It contains in particular a lot of pectin, a soluble fiber which has the particularity of forming in the stomach then the intestine a gel rich in water and with satiating effects,
  • in antioxidants, including vitamin C and compounds from the flavonoid family. Antioxidants help fight oxidation and inflammation in the body. They thus have a protective effect against the onset of certain diseases associated with aging and against damage caused by free radicals.

In what form to give apples to your dog?

The apple can be given raw and ripe to a dog. You just have to take the precaution of cutting it into pieces and getting rid of its core and tail before giving it to your animal to taste.

Prefer "organic" apples for which you can leave the skin where the antioxidant compounds are concentrated.

How much apple to give your dog?

The apple is rich in fiber and antioxidants but also in simple sugars which a dog should not abuse especially if he suffers from diabetes mellitus.

As a general rule, his daily energy intake must be composed of 90% food such as pâté, croquettes or homemade food and a maximum of 10% of "small sides" , including treats such as apple.

Without getting into tedious calculations, you can work out the quantities of apples to give your dog daily by taking your dog's weight and converting the quantities distributed in relation to the weight of a human being . A third of an apple given a day to a 10kg dog is like giving the equivalent of 2 large apples to a 70kg adult man. If these two apples are added to already complete meals, it is as many more calories and sugars that will be added to his ration! So apples yes, but in quantities always adapted to the size of your dog!

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