How do you know if a dog is happy?

Sleep, appetite, well-being or even enthusiasm... what are the signs that show that a dog is happy, well in his skin and his head?

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We have already offered you an article on how to stimulate an unhappy dog. To echo this subject, we are now trying to identify the signs that show that a dog is truly happy.

I have listed here 7 signs that prove that your dog is happy. Of course, for it to be fully so, it is preferable that all these signs combine:

Sign n°1: sleep

Dogs are diurnal beings, just like us: they sleep at night and are awake during the day. A dog that sleeps all night and wakes up at more or less fixed times is a dog that can be considered happy and well in his head.

Similarly, if you observe your dog relaxing in various and varied positions, squirming in all directions and snoring: it means that he is happy to be there and that he feels comfortable. security.

Conversely, a dog who constantly sleeps during the day or who, on the contrary, can't get to sleep at night and also prevents you from sleeping at the same time, is not not a happy dog: it is a dog which is perhaps not “unhappy” but in any case disturbed, which can no longer find its balance.

Sign n°2: appetite

Your dog eats well, waits for his bowl with great interest, eats neither too fast nor too slowly. He has learned to wait for your signal before he can eat and is not disturbed by your comings and goings around him. He is calm when he eats and does not growl when approached. This is a sign of great trust and mutual respect. Your dog knows that you are responsible for managing this vital resource for him and trusts you, he knows that you will not steal his food and that you will let him eat his fill.

Conversely, if your dog is constantly asking for food, stealing your food, rummaging through the trash cans or, on the contrary, sulking in his bowl, there is a problem to be identified. Similarly, if he growls and becomes aggressive when someone approaches him during his meal, it is because this moment is not for him a sign of pleasure but rather of survival!

Sign n°3: vitality and enthusiasm

You will recognize a happy dog, especially on walks, during play sessions or simply by observing his general attitude when you are at home with him.

A happy dog is enthusiastic (without being excessive) when approaching a walk with his master, he gladly accepts to play with his master when he offers to him and always remains on the lookout of the slightest possible interaction with his human. He is affectionate and cuddly ( although there are obviously dogs that are less tactile and more independent than others).

Conversely, a dog that doesn't want to go out or that "drags its paw" during the walk, a dog that no longer particularly likes to play and that shows very little energy at home is a dog in pain (whether physically or otherwise). Your role as a master is to identify what is wrong and find solutions to solve the problem.

Sign n°4: sociability

A dog who is happy and well in his paws is also a sociable and balanced dog who interacts respectfully, whether with humans or with his peers. This of course requires good socialization of the puppy from its first weeks.

Conversely, if a dog is fearful or aggressive towards strangers or even people he is used to meeting, it means that a problem persists and that obviously there is no solution. has been found again.

Naturally, a dog is not made to "fight" , he will always look for a way to avoid conflict.If you have a dog that constantly fights or is particularly aggressive, then his emotional state is dire. Outside and professional help is strongly recommended.

Sign n°5: the absence of behavioral problems

Here, we often talk about behavioral problems, they are quite numerous and always express discomfort in dogs. They can find their cause in boredom, lack of expense, mismanaged frustration or untreated anxiety, etc.

If you have a calm dog when you leave, who does not destroy, who does not bark excessively, who knows how to wait, land, go to his basket, stay there, who is neither fearful nor aggressive, who does not constantly jump on people he meets, and so on. You can then boast of having a happy and fulfilled dog.

Of course, I'm not saying that if your dog destroys in your absence from time to time, barks often as soon as he hears a noise or is sometimes reluctant to listen, it's that he's necessarily unhappy.No ! Simply if your dog encounters problems, it means that an imbalance is present and that you, as the master, must find solutions to restore a serene climate, a he althy relationship and a secure environment for your animal.

Sign n°6: the quality of the coat

It is also a sign to take into account to know if your dog is he althy and happy. Indeed, a silky and shiny coat is generally a sign of well-being.

Conversely, if your dog has dull hair or if you observe, for example, scabs, licking sores, it means that your dog has a dermatological problem or that he needs a evacuate discomfort through substitute activities such as compulsive licking. It is then often linked to stress, lack of expense and boredom.

Sign n°7: good he alth

Then, of course, for a dog to be happy, he must be he althy. Of course, this requires regular visits to the veterinarian, care adapted to their needs, a balanced diet and quality anti-parasitic protection.

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