Dog and mutual insurance: comparator and quote 100% free

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Reduceyour veterinary expensesCompare

he alth insurance

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Having a dog is a real budget. The first item of expenditure is obviously food, followed very closely by veterinary expenditure: from €225 to €500 per year on average, according to studies, for a dog. This amount can greatly exceed the average in the event of an accident or illness requiring major surgery. Veterinary costs can explode to exceed 3000 euros in the event of imaging examinations, laboratory analyzes or in the event of surgery.

Even in the absence of any he alth problem, they can represent a substantial sum during the animal's first year of life. Count about 75 euros for identification costs (chip or tattoo) to which must be added the expenses related to vaccination consultations for about 80 € then the costs of any sterilization costs between 250 and 450 euros for a bitch and between 150 and 230 euros for a dog.

And it's a fact: vet fees are getting more and more expensive. Veterinarians are better equipped and trained to provide increasing quality care to our animals. It is therefore natural that they pass on the increase in their operating costs to the bill, to the chagrin of animal owners who are finding it increasingly difficult to cope.

And for good reason: there is no social security for our pets. And, sometimes, because of the cost of he alth care costs, we hesitate to take our dog for consultation with the veterinarian.Hesitations which can sometimes have serious repercussions on the he alth of the animal because certain diseases have all the more chances of cure as they are taken care of early.

The solution is certainly to take out dog insurance. Operating on the same principle as mutual he alth insurance for humans, it makes it possible to obtain reimbursement of all or part of the veterinary expenses spent on your dog in the event of an accident and/or in the event of illness in return for the payment of 'a monthly or annual contribution.

Depending on the insurer chosen and the formula chosen, you will be able to obtain total or partial reimbursement of the costs:

  • veterinarian consultation,
  • necessary for establishing a diagnosis such as biological examinations (urine tests, blood tests,) or imaging tests (ultrasound, scanner, MRI, X-ray),
  • related to surgery (operation itself, resuscitation and hospitalization costs, anesthesia costs),
  • pharmacy (medication),
  • related to disease prevention: vaccines, purchases of deworming and antiparasitic products, castration or sterilization costs,
  • euthanasia and burial,
  • functional rehabilitation (physiotherapy, physiotherapy).

Your dog he alth insurance will allow you to considerably reduce the amount of your canine he alth budget since a large part of your veterinary costs will be covered by your animal insurer. In addition, if you opt for the prevention package, your dog mutual will compensate you for prevention costs: vaccines, deworming, anti-flea collar, etc.

How does dog insurance work?

An insurance for your dog could be compared with your complementary he alth insurance.Indeed, offered by a multitude of organizations, insurance for dogs allows the reimbursement of all or part of the veterinary expenses spent on your dog in the event of an accident and/or in the event of illness in return for the payment of a monthly or annual subscription.

Depending on the insurer chosen and the formula chosen, you will be able to obtain total or partial reimbursement of the costs:

  • veterinarian consultation,
  • necessary for establishing a diagnosis such as biological examinations (urine tests, blood tests,) or imaging tests (ultrasound, scanner, MRI, X-ray),
  • related to surgery (operation itself, resuscitation and hospitalization costs, anesthesia costs),
  • pharmacy (medication),
  • related to disease prevention: vaccines, purchases of deworming and antiparasitic products, castration or sterilization costs,
  • euthanasia and burial,
  • functional rehabilitation (physiotherapy, physiotherapy).

Your dog he alth insurance will allow you to considerably reduce the amount of your canine he alth budget since a large part of your veterinary costs will be covered by your animal insurer. In addition, if you opt for the prevention package, your dog mutual will compensate you for prevention costs: vaccines, deworming, anti-flea collar, etc.

Mutual dog insurance: how it works

How dog insurance works is very simple. Once you have found the organization offering you the formula best suited to your dog's needs and the waiting period has passed, you will be able to be reimbursed for your costs related to consultations with the veterinarian and the care provided to your dog. animal.

To do this, it is necessary to ask your veterinarian to fill out the care sheet.The latter is provided to you by the insurer you have chosen. If you don't have any, blank copies can be mailed to you at your request or can be downloaded online. Following this, you must send this document by post, attaching the invoice issued by your veterinarian.

For dog insurance, it is, in most cases, necessary to advance the costs. Rest assured: generally, the organizations will reimburse you as soon as possible once your file has been processed. It is therefore strongly advised to send the documents as soon as possible. The refund is made directly to your bank account. It is recommended that you read the general and specific conditions of the insurance contract before signing it. They will inform you in particular about the waiting period specific to the contract taken out. This is the period following the date of signature of the contract during which you cannot be reimbursed for veterinary costs caused by an illness or injury to your dog.Determined by the insurer, this period can be 2 or 3 months.

As you can see, the operation of dog insurance is very simple, especially since subscription is done quickly, by phone or online.

There are a multitude of formulas at different prices. In most cases, the amount of insurance premium for a dog is paid monthly. The first prices are around 4€ per month, but depending on the organizations and the options to which you subscribe, this price can reach up to 100€ per month. Some insurers offer to pay the amount of the premium annually in order to save a few extra euros.

Why insure your dog: our opinion?

Simply to save on veterinary costs which, in the event of illness or accident, can quickly amount to several hundred euros. If, for example, your dog breaks its paw, you will have to pay for the consultation, the x-rays, the care, which generally includes anesthesia and medication, the check-up visit to ensure that it is again in great shape as well as rehabilitation sessions.

It is therefore preferable to pay monthly installments so that your dog has mutual insurance and is covered rather than taking out a large sum of money all at once, which anyway way, will not be refunded to you. In addition, daily care, which is to be done every year, and sometimes several times a year, such as deworming, visits to check that everything is fine, vaccines and fleas, can be covered. by dog insurance. This is advantageous, because you are spending money at your veterinarian, even when your four-legged friend is in good he alth.

Then if your dog gets hurt or sick, you don't have to worry about finances and how much it's going to cost or if you'll have trouble paying the bill . So you can focus only on the he alth and recovery of your four-legged friend.

What does dog insurance cover?

A dog's he alth insurance can cover a large number of injuries and illnesses, but beware, depending on the formula chosen, the reimbursement rate may vary.

For the cheapest contracts, you are generally reimbursed up to 50% but, you can, perfectly, find an insurance that will take the care generated by visits to the veterinarian at 100%.

It should also be noted that, even if dog insurance covers a large number of treatments, they are generally capped for the year. The amount of the annual ceiling also depends on the formulas and generally goes hand in hand with the amount of the contribution.

For example, if the annual reimbursement ceiling provided for in your contract is €1,500, you cannot exceed €1,500 in fees between the subscription date and the anniversary date of your contract. In which case, if you have already used the €1,500, the other invoices for this period will remain your sole responsibility.

Expenses related to disease prevention such as annual vaccines or pest control products can also be covered as part of the prevention package.

On the other hand, you should know that your four-legged friend may not be accepted by insurance for several reasons. The most common are the age of your dog. Indeed, if he is less than 2 or 3 months old, or if, on the contrary, he is more than 8 or 10 years old, depending on his breed, organizations may refuse to insure him, for the simple and good reason that, the older they are, the more animals tend to get sick and incur expensive veterinary bills.

It is for this reason that we recommend insuring a dog as soon as it is adopted. Do not hesitate to take out puppy insurance from the age of 3 months in order to offer him he alth coverage as soon as possible.

If your dog is old, you will nevertheless find insurance that will agree to cover it for a higher contribution.

How much does dog insurance cost?

All insurance organizations for dogs offer several formulas so that you can find the perfect contract for your four-legged friend. Even if the prices and options may vary from one formula to another, we can easily classify the contracts into 3 categories.

  • Economic formula: (Between 5 and 10€)

The first is, of course, cheap dog insurance aimed at small budgets. It has a reimbursement rate varying between 50% and 70% on average and can include the cost of vaccines and certain operations. Please note that the annual ceiling for covered treatments may be lower than in a standard or premium formula.

  • Standard Formula: (Between 10 and 25€)

This is the one most owners opt for, because the maximum ceiling is higher and the reimbursement rate varies between 70 and 90%, which is much more advantageous when an animal must be regularly taken to the vet.It should be noted that this formula can include the cost of the sterilization of your dog, which is advantageous given the current rates.

  • Premium formulas: (25 and 50€)

Insurance organizations generally offer premium formulas that cover up to 100% of your vet costs. These formulas are often used by professionals or people who participate in dog shows and who often have to go to the veterinarian or owners of dogs in fragile he alth. It will save you money and not worry if vet fees are too expensive.

How to choose the best dog insurance?

If you have started your research for your dog's insurance, you have surely not failed to notice the multitude of organizations that offer it and at all prices.And, with all the contracts presented to you, you may not know how to choose the best one for your dog. This is all the more understandable since you know neither the coverage rates nor the subscription terms.

Then start by establishing your needs according to your budget as well as the daily life and characteristics of your pet: does it belong to a breed known for its "fragile he alth" ? Is he "daredevil" ? Does he frequent high-risk places?

This little risk study will let you know exactly what you want in terms of insurance: coverage for accident-related costs only or for illnesses and accidents.

Once this need has been established, the best solution is, of course, to study the formulas of several mutual insurance companies for dogs. But, as this takes time, the best thing is to use a free online comparator to obtain, in a few minutes, a comparative and synthetic study of several insurance companies at the same time in order to help you make a choice.The advantage of a comparator is that you can immediately select the formulas that really correspond to the needs that you have defined upstream.

Why use a mutual insurance comparator for dogs?

Comparing insurance for your dog means you can find the best contract to protect your four-legged friend and enjoy the good times together in a serene way.

By choosing to use one of the many online comparators, you will be able to indicate the age, breed, but also the medical history of your pet and thus find formulas that are truly adapted to the specific needs of your pet. dog without loss of time. The dog insurance comparator makes it possible to compare the formulas of the various animal insurance organizations in a few minutes and without obligation.

Dog insurance and vaccine reimbursement: is it possible?

Technically, vaccines for dogs are not compulsory, except in certain special cases, for example, when traveling outside French territory, or if the dog is categorized.

Nevertheless, it is important to point out that, to be insured, your four-legged friend must be vaccinated for the diseases listed in the general conditions of the insurer. Most vaccines will also have to be given an annual booster during a vaccination consultation with the veterinarian, which has a cost.

Some organizations offer coverage for annual vaccines in the basic formula subscribed by the insured or through the subscription of an additional option. The cost of this option is usually added to the total amount of the annual insurance and is spread over 12 months. Coverage of vaccines generally takes the form of an annual envelope allocated to the insured and the amount of which covers, partially or totally, the price of vaccinating the dog.

Subscription conditions

Your dog must meet certain conditions to be insured by any organization. The subscription conditions are generally comparable from one insurance to another:

  • your dog must have a microchip or must be tattooed,
  • his vaccines must be up to date. It is the he alth record, of your four-legged friend, issued by your veterinarian or by the breeder who is authentic in the matter.

The age and breed of your animal also comes into play, as we have seen earlier in this article, if it is too old, it is possible that the organizations refuse to accept it. ensure, because the chances of him getting sick or injured are greater when he is between 6 and 10 years old.

But, thanks to online dog insurance comparators, you can find out, in a few clicks, whether or not you can take out mutual insurance for your dog.

Reimbursement terms

The reimbursement terms may vary from one contract to another but generally, they simply consist of having your veterinarian fill out a care sheet provided by the insurance. It is generally necessary to attach the invoices relating to the treatments, the consultations and the operations carried out on the animal with its identification number.

The set must be sent by post to the address provided by the insurance organization. The reimbursement, the amount and coverage of which varies according to your contract, the annual ceiling and the options to which you have subscribed, will be made between 48 hours and 3 weeks after receipt of the letter containing the supporting documents.

The reimbursement terms vary greatly from one insurance to another, so it is advisable to read the entire contract carefully before signing it and, if you have the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to contact an advisor from the organization you have chosen.

Exclusions from dog he alth insurance

Any care provided by a veterinarian is not covered by canine insurance. You will notice that care resulting from hereditary diseases is very rarely reimbursed, as are reimbursements for canine hygiene products unless they are covered by a prevention package.

The exclusions depend on the insurer with whom you took out your contract. They are indicated in the general and special conditions of this same contract.

How to terminate your mutual dog insurance?

As with all other mutuals, it is possible to cancel your dog's mutual. However, certain conditions must be respected. If you wish to interrupt your contract, you must send a registered letter 2 months before the anniversary date, as evidenced by the postmark.

Nevertheless, in exceptional cases, for example, the death or loss of your four-legged friend, the fact of parting with it or the death of the owner cancel the 2 months of delay. Nevertheless, it is mandatory to provide supporting documents attesting to the facts and the reasons for the interruption of the insurance contract.

On the other hand, be very careful when signing your insurance contract, because depending on the organization, it is possible that you commit to a fixed term, generally 12 or 24 months, not leaving you the possibility of canceling your insurance during this period.

Insuring your animal has multiple advantages, and the younger you do it, the better, because the rates will be lower. Nevertheless, before subscribing to a contract with an organization, it is strongly advised to establish a comparison which will allow you to find the cheapest. Take the time to carefully study each proposal and check that they correspond to your needs and the daily life of your pet.

By choosing to take out mutual insurance for your four-legged friend, you will consider his life by your side in a more serene way. And, in the event that he were injured or fell ill, you will not have to worry about the financial aspect, you will be able to devote yourself exclusively to his recovery and his well-being.

And for the other animals?

He alth insurance isn't just for dogs. It is also offered for other pets such as cats, rabbits, ferrets and other new pets (NAC).

How pet insurance works

The operating principle of animal insurance is modeled on that of mutual he alth insurance designed for human beings.

In exchange for the payment of a monthly contribution (or annual according to the insurers), you benefit from guarantees which make it possible to obtain the total or partial reimbursement of the he alth costs incurred for your cat, your ferret, your parrot or rabbit.

Depending on the formula and the insurer chosen, other guarantees such as support in the search for a missing animal, the provision of a telephone assistance service or the payment of costs care of the animal in the event of hospitalization (non-exhaustive list) can be subscribed according to your needs.

The most complete formulas also provide prevention packages. This is a sum of money allocated by the insurer to contribute to the costs of vaccination, sterilization, purchases of deworming and/or antiparasitic products, descaling, etc.

The rate of reimbursement of veterinary expenses, the number and quality of guarantees, the compensation ceilings for a given insurer depend on the amount of the contribution.

To obtain reimbursement for an act of care, it is generally sufficient:

  • to bring a care sheet provided by the insurer and submit it to the veterinarian so that he can complete it during the consultation,
  • send the completed care sheet to the reimbursement department of the insurer with which the he alth insurance was taken out, along with the invoice for the paid veterinary fees.

After processing the file, the duration of which may vary slightly depending on the insurer, the reimbursement of treatment is generally paid by transfer directly to the bank account of the insured. These formalities may vary slightly between dog insurance providers.

All mutual insurance companies for dogs:

  • include a compensation ceiling, in other words a maximum amount beyond which veterinary costs are no longer reimbursed. It is necessary to know it before committing. These reimbursement ceilings can be annual for a type of act covered by the contract or for life for a given pathology,
  • apply a waiting period. This is the time between the subscription of the contract before being able to benefit from the guarantees. This period differs according to the insurers. It is generally longer in the event of illness than in the event of an accident,
  • include exclusions of guarantees, to be studied carefully before taking out a contract. Generally not covered:
  • care costs caused by hereditary diseases that affect certain dog breeds, such as hip dysplasia for example,
  • care costs caused by illnesses that could have been avoided by vaccine prevention,
  • define age limits beyond which it is no longer possible to insure your animal. This age is usually between 6 and 8 years old. It is also recommended to insure your dog as soon as possible because the younger it is at the time of subscription, it will be easy to insure it under advantageous conditions and some dog he alth insurance companies even undertake to insure your animal for life beyond a subscription period defined in their general subscription conditions.

Finally, some insurers apply deductibles. These are the amounts remaining payable by the insured in the event of illness or accident occurring to the dog.

Discover all the advantages of mutual insurance for dogs

Mutual funds for dogs have many advantages that you will surely appreciate! In fact, in addition to ensuring reimbursement of veterinary expenses, insurance provides you with additional peace of mind concerning the state of he alth of your companion, you will not wonder whether or not you have the means to have him treated if he falls ill or is seriously injured, because the insurance will contribute to the costs.

Then, depending on the insurance contract you opt for and the organization with which you subscribe, you may have options. For example, in the event of the death of the animal, even if the money will not replace the love you have for yourself, financial compensation can be given to you.

The advantages of having insurance for your pet are many. Indeed, if your animal is doing well throughout its life, he alth insurance will still reimburse the costs related to routine visits to be made annually.If, on the other hand, he is injured or is in fragile he alth, this investment can allow you to make real savings.

You will also appreciate the fact that organizations offer a multitude of formulas, so you can choose the one that best suits your companion's he alth. But, you wonder, maybe doubt, how much insurance costs for your dog, find out, without waiting for the answer in the part below!

Dog insurance user reviews

We regularly receive testimonials from our readers about veterinary costs and the difficulties they have in getting their dogs treated for lack of budget. It is in these moments that the mutual insurance companies for dogs take on all their importance. However, it is necessary to carry out a dog insurance comparison because not all offers are equal and the guarantees and reimbursement rates can vary significantly from one quote to another.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Which insurance should I choose for my dog?

Choosing he alth coverage for your dog can be a real headache when you don't know what criteria to base your search on. Find out what are the elements to check in order to choose the best contract.

  • What are the conditions for insuring a dog?

In order to be able to take out mutual insurance for dogs, it is imperative to respect certain clauses imposed by the insurance company in its general conditions of subscription.

  • What are the reimbursement terms?

The period for compensation for veterinary care varies according to animal insurance policies, but the formalities for benefiting from it are substantially identical from one insurer to another.

  • Is there dog insurance without deductible?

Among the criteria for choosing a dog mutual, the absence of a deductible can be an important one. Discover the benefits of a contract that is exempt.

  • Do you have to take out insurance for your dog?

Lower veterinary costs, easier access to care for your pet, he alth benefits for your dog are all advantages offered by taking out a he alth policy for animals.

  • What is the best dog he alth insurance?

The best he alth protection for your dog actually depends on your expectations and your needs. Discover the questions to ask yourself in order to properly define your needs.

  • A mutual fund for dogs without advance payment: does it exist?

Third-party payment is not yet in force for canine he alth care, but there are insurance policies that allow you not to have to advance your pet's he alth costs.

  • How does hunting dog insurance work?

Insuring your hunting dog is strongly recommended because the latter is more exposed to the risk of contamination by wildlife and injuries.

  • What are the rates for dog insurance?

Let's find out more precisely the criteria that canine insurance companies take into account to set the rates for their different formulas.

  • Can he alth insurance be taken out for a dog over 5 years old?

Animal insurers set age limits beyond which it is impossible to insure your dog unless some pay a higher premium.

  • Is it possible to take out mutual insurance for a dog over 6 years old?

The vast majority of animal insurers impose a maximum age to be able to take out he alth insurance for their dog. After this age limit, your dog will not be covered.

  • How to insure a dog over 7 years old?

The age of 7 is for some insurers a limit beyond which it is more complicated for the owner to find mutual he alth insurance for his pet.

  • What insurance for a dog over 8 years old?

Many animal mutuals refuse to insure a dog that is 8 years old or older. However, there are dog insurance policies with no age limit.

  • Are there mutual funds for dogs over 9 years old?

Contracting he alth insurance for a dog over 9 years old is very important so that he can have quality veterinary care and follow-up throughout his life.

  • Which insurance to choose for a dangerous dog?

Category 1 and 2 dogs are subject to special regulations which require owners to take out civil liability insurance.

  • Is it possible to take out mutual insurance for a dog over 10 years old?

Some insurers accept, under certain conditions, he alth insurance for a dog over 10 years old.

  • What does dog insurance cover?

Choosing good insurance for your dog means choosing a formula with optimal coverage to deal with he alth problems and everyday accidents.

  • Why use a dog insurance comparator?

Animal insurance companies are more and more numerous and only the use of an online comparator allows you to find the best offer at the best price.

  • What to look for in a dog insurance quote?

There are certain essential elements that must be included in your canine mutual insurance quote to allow you to make the right choice, with the right guarantees, the right ceilings and the right reimbursement rates.

  • How to select a mutual he alth insurance for dogs?

There is a method to adopt to select the best he alth insurance for your pet and not to miss out on important options and guarantees.

  • How do dog insurance policies work?

The operation of canine mutual funds is very simple and is similar to that of our mutual he alth insurance. After a consultation with the veterinarian, the dog's master can be reimbursed for all or part of the veterinary costs.

  • Why take out mutual insurance for dogs?

Subscribing to a good mutual he alth insurance for dogs offers the guarantee of being able to treat your pet at any time; whether the latter is sick or injured.

  • How to get reimbursed by your dog he alth insurance?

The process for reimbursement of veterinary he alth costs is very simple. The care must be declared via a care sheet which will then be sent to the insurer for reimbursement.

  • How to choose your dog he alth insurance?

There are several criteria to know to choose the right contract: waiting period, type of guarantee, illnesses not covered, type of deductible and amount

Do you have other pets? Note that our comparator also offers insurance for other animals such as:

  • Cat insurance
  • Ferret insurance

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