6 solutions to relieve your dog's osteoarthritis

Does your dog suffer from osteoarthritis? What natural and conventional solutions are available to you to relieve your animal and improve its comfort?

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Your dog's weight control

There is indisputable evidence showing that weight gain increases osteo-articular disorders and in particular osteoarthritis in dogs and that a reduction in weight reduces pain and lameness. Being overweight not only increases stress on the joints, but excess body fat also has an effect on joint inflammation.

Weight loss can be achieved by changing your pet's diet and the amounts you feed it. The latter which must be adapted to its size, its physiological stage and its physical activity.It is best to ask your veterinarian for advice on successfully losing your pet's weight without risking starvation or deficiency.

You can also check out our article on how to put your dog on a diet. He will give you the main principles to follow to make your dog lose weight while preserving his he alth and well-being.

Conventional and/or natural anti-inflammatories

Anti-inflammatory drugs for dogs, known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are frequently used to relieve osteoarthritis in dogs. They can indeed improve the mobility and quality of life of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. There are many medications that your veterinarian can prescribe to your dog in order to relieve him.

These drugs, if used correctly, are generally well tolerated by dogs. But, sometimes side effects occur. They therefore require closer monitoring of the dog by its owner and regular monitoring by a veterinarian.


Always use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with the advice of your veterinarian and never administer drugs formulated for human beings to your dog without the advice of your veterinarian: they may be the cause fatal poisoning for your dog.

Phytotherapy with buds, or gemmotherapy, represents a natural alternative to conventional anti-inflammatories and can also provide good results in relieving osteoarthritis in dogs. The association of buds:

  • blackcurrant, pine and downy birch is useful in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis,
  • of blackcurrant, pine, vine and ash is indicated for osteoarthritis of the knee,
  • blackcurrant, vine and Virginia creeper with selective action on small joints.

Note carefully!

Bud mash contains alcohol, which is toxic to our pets. Only concentrated bud macerates (containing 10 times less alcohol than macerates) are suitable for veterinary use. Either way, always seek the advice of a specialist veterinarian before using them on your pet.

There are also other plants with anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve dogs of their osteoarthritis pain such as turmeric, harpagophytum, figwort, or even boswellia. Always seek the advice of a specialist veterinarian before using them on your dog.

Food and food supplements

Therapeutic food

Dog foods designed to support joint metabolism in osteoarthritis are now commonplace and swapping your dog's regular diet for this type of food can help bring a little more comfort to your dog. your pet.

As part of the diet food range, the composition of these kibbles varies depending on the manufacturer. But, overall, it's about food:

  • rather rich in protein (and in particular "good" animal protein) useful for preserving the dog's muscle mass,
  • rather low in calories to allow better weight control,
  • which include in their composition various ingredients or food supplements useful in the management of osteoarthritis.

In addition to these therapeutic foods, there are a large number of food supplements that are known to have a beneficial effect on osteoarthritis. Among these food supplements, we can mention in particular:

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that have an "anti-inflammatory" action, unlike omega-6s which are pro-inflammatory.The more omega-3s in the dog's diet, the less omega-6s will be available to create more inflammation in and around the joints. Omega-3 thus slows the progression of osteoarthritis, preserves joint mobility and reduces pain. It is more specifically the long-chain omega-3s that have proven effective in this role, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which come from marine sources.

You can supplement your dog with these omega-3s by giving him cold sea fish oil capsules. Therapeutic kibbles designed for the diet of dogs with osteoarthritis generally already contain it.

Green-lipped mussel extract

The green mussel extract contains both glycosaminoglycans, structural elements of cartilage, and omega-3. There is some evidence that it has a mild to moderate positive effect on mobility and pain in dogs with osteoarthritis, but the number of studies is still quite limited and the way it is produced is key to its effectiveness.

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate

Glucosamine is a dietary supplement for both humans and animals. It has been shown to help repair joints because it is a building block of joint cartilage made by the body from glucose and an amino acid. However, the question of which concentration is actually effective in relieving osteoarthritis is still debated in the scientific community.

Condroitin sulfate, often associated with glucosamine in food supplements, is extracted from the cartilage of mammals and would provide structural components to help repair articular cartilage damaged by osteoarthritis. However, there is currently only relatively weak evidence of its effectiveness in improving the clinical condition of osteoarthritis in dogs.

These dietary supplements remain safe and have no contraindications. It takes several months before you get an effect (if there is an effect).

Dog Lifestyle Adjustment

Adapting to your environment

Adapting the dog's living environment through simple adjustments to your home can help him improve his living comfort and reduce his risk of falling.

A few simple measures can make life easier for your dog suffering from osteoarthritis like:

Controlled access to steps and stairs

Going up and down stairs can be physically very difficult and dangerous for a dog with osteoarthritis. It is therefore essential to reduce your dog's access to them to a minimum and to assist him every time he goes up or down the stairs. To prevent him from going through them alone, you can place a protective barrier at their entrance.

The steps can be covered with a non-slip access ramp to help your dog cross them more easily.

An orthopedic basket

An orthopedic bedding for dogs will provide your dog with better support for his back and relieve him of the pressures that may be exerted on his joints.

Non-slip surfaces for floors

A slippery floor, whether wooden or tiled, is very dangerous for a dog with osteoarthritis. Repeated slips and falls can significantly aggravate your pet's pain. To avoid these inconveniences, consider covering your floors with carpets, pieces of carpet or even yoga mats or foam children's games. Pay particular attention to the passage of doors, bay windows or French windows and make sure that the floor is covered with a non-slip surface on either side of the passage.

The regulation of physical exercise

A dog suffering from osteoarthritis must continue to practice physical activity in order to preserve its muscle mass and slow the progression of the disease.But, of course, physical activity must be reasoned and adapted to your abilities. Thus, it is recommended to offer your dog suffering from osteoarthritis short and regular walks, on uneven ground, rather than long walks. Observe your dog on his walks and turn around if he shows difficulty moving around, tends to drag behind you, or stumbles often.

Similarly, avoid all physical activities and high-impact games like ball games that involve your dog running or jumping. Replace these activities with more mentally stimulating ones, such as tracking games.

Physiotherapy, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy are also low-impact ways to strengthen muscles and maintain joint movement, and are considered particularly beneficial.

The use of complementary therapies

Complementary therapies can often be used alongside conventional treatment to relieve a dog with osteoarthritis. They include in particular:

  • acupuncture useful in the management of chronic pain and practiced by a growing number of veterinarians specially trained in this ancestral Chinese medicine,
  • laser therapy,
  • osteopathy,
  • chiropractic,
  • myotherapy,
  • the Tellington TTouch method.

Other veterinary care

In addition to the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, conventional veterinary medicine has a whole therapeutic arsenal to relieve animals with osteoarthritis. Thus, depending on your dog's condition, your veterinarian may suggest:

  • intra-articular treatments which consist of injecting anti-inflammatories or hyaluronic acid directly into the affected joints (allows lubrication of the joint),
  • other medications, often derived from opiates, to relieve your pet's pain,
  • surgical procedures such as joint arthroplasty, arthroplasty excision or even arthrodesis.

There are also promising new therapies in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Stem cell therapy is one of them, although it is still in its infancy in the veterinary field.

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