Choosing a dog breeder: 9 questions to ask the breeder

Choosing the right breeding is essential because the breeding of your puppy can be decisive on his state of he alth and his behavior.

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Why is it important to choose the right breeder?

Choosing your breeder well means putting the odds on your side to adopt a dog in good he alth and "well in his head" . After all, the dog you may buy from him will accompany you for a good ten years. It is therefore important to make the right choice!

A "good breeder" is a professional who, in addition to carefully selecting breeding dogs to create he althy little puppies, initiates the socialization of puppies to prevent them from developing developmental disorders and/or behavior that could jeopardize their well-being (and that of their future masters), once they become adults.

The breeder has a role to play at each stage of puppy development. As the behavioral veterinarian Joël Dehasse, famous behavioral veterinarian and author of numerous books on “canine psychology” assures us:

“The dog's behavior depends 80% on his learning. This shows the importance of experience over genetics! »

And, still according to him, a large part of this experience is acquired during the development of the puppy, that is to say even before its two months and its arrival in your home. The breeder's work is therefore very essential at each stage of the puppy's behavioral development in order to prepare him for a life as a balanced adult dog in a human society.

Choosing "a good breeder" for the dog you plan to adopt therefore necessarily involves a visit to the breeding and discussions with the professional during which you should not hesitate to ask him questions. detailed below.

Questions to ask the breeder

Questions to ask himHow many dog breeds do you breed?How many litters do you do per year? How many breeders do you have?What do you do with "retired" dogs?How do you select breeders? On what criteria?How long have you been breeding and what is your training?Where is the mother? At what age did you start breeding?How do you socialize puppies? Do you have other animals? Do puppies see people?
The best answer expected
“Only one”

Explanations: It is preferable to choose a "mono-breed" breeder because there is a greater chance that he will be passionate about it and know "in depth" all its characteristics. He will thus be better able to select the parents and advise you at the time of adoption. If he raises two breeds of dog, it is preferable that they are breeds with similar characteristics. Steer clear of multi-breed breeders who breed breeds from completely different groups or who follow fashionable breeds. each female?

“Only one litter per year”

Explanations: A responsible breeder never produces more than one litter per female dog per year. He must not mate them at all heats.

Explanations: With the help of these three questions, check that the breeder only carries the bitches once a year and that the number of litters does not exceed his material and human capacities. take care of it.

A breeder who has too many puppies at the same time will not materially have the time to do what is necessary to socialize them well. Too many puppies for sale with matings arriving almost one after the other means that the commercial aspect has taken over the quality of breeding.

“I keep them” or “I give them for good care”

Explanations: The presence of retired dogs in the breeding is an indication that reflects the breeder's passion and respect for his animals. If the breeder does not have the possibility of keeping them, check that he gives them up free of charge (or at least in exchange for a sum which corresponds to a payment of the he alth costs incurred by the breeder) against good care.

" on criteria of conformity to the breed standard, he alth and behavior"

Explanations: Run away from breeders who only select dogs based on beauty criteria. Don't be dazzled by the various "beauty awards" that bred dogs have received, but dig a little deeper into the selection methods. Favor breeders who are also interested in the behaviors/characters and aptitudes of the breeders. Although not all canine behaviors are inherited, puppies learn by mimicry by observing their parents. Some undesirable behaviors can be difficult to change afterwards.

Explanations: Anyone can declare themselves a breeder overnight because no diploma is necessary to start this activity.Only a 2-day training is legally necessary to be able to practice dog breeding. But, this training is common with other professions in the canine world (shelter manager, pet-sitter, canine educator) and it is far from sufficient to understand all aspects of the profession of breeder. So bet preferably on breeders who therefore have a long experience of the profession and/or who have followed a longer training in a vocational agricultural high school. What he alth tests do you perform on your breeding dogs?
Explanations: Parents are tested/screened for hereditary he alth issues related to race. The breeder should be able to tell you about this and show you the results of these tests.
“With her young” and “at the end of her growth (after her first 2 or 3 heats)”

Explanations: The mother is of paramount importance to the puppy's learning.If she was put away from her puppies too soon and she does not have the opportunity to come and see them frequently, it is very likely that the puppies will not have received all the necessary training from her. go. The same is true if the female dog had her first babies when she was still immature (not to mention the risk of complications for the mother). You must be able to see the mother in order to observe her behavior. Is she fearful? Agressive ? Barker? These maternal behaviors can affect her puppies.

Explanations: The breeder must be able to explain to you how he prepares his puppies for a balanced adult dog life. Find out how he ensures their socialization:

  • does he have puppies handled by many different people (adult men and women, children)?
  • brings the litters into contact with balanced adult congeners (other than the parents) of different breeds and sizes?
  • does he put the puppies in contact with other animal species (cat, bird, farm animals)?
  • subjects puppies to various everyday noises: radio, television, telephone and vacuum cleaner noises,
  • offer an environment rich in sound, visual and tactile stimuli for puppies? Does he have an awakening room, does he take his puppies on car trips? in town?

An awakening room?

Ideally, a breeder should have an awakening room for his puppies. The awakening room is a play room equipped with colorful and mobile and noisy children's toys, a sound installation to produce a variety of sounds (including explosive sounds), mats of different structures for stimulation tactile.

Visit the farm and discuss with the breeder

During the visit to the breeding, make sure in particular of the cleanliness of the premises and the space and comfort reserved for the dogs. Also check the means actually implemented by the breeder to socialize the puppies: presence of other animals, access of the puppies to an awakening room or to the breeder's home, etc.

Ask to see the parents of the dog you are considering adopting, or at least the mother if the father is not present on site. They will give you an idea of the size that your dog will reach once he becomes an adult. Also observe their behavior which can sometimes influence that of your future little protege

Finally, when meeting with the breeder, also trust your instincts and the feeling you will feel. A good breeder is generally recognized by the fact that he can talk to you about his dogs with passion for hours without getting tired and by the fact that he in turn questions you about your motivation to adopt one of his dogs or about the adequacy of your way of life with the specificities of the breed he is raising.Remember that the breeder must also ask you questions: he must imperatively ensure that the puppy you plan to acquire suits your lifestyle!

Finally, make sure he offers you dog tracking. Responsible breeders generally provide "after-sales service" , which is very useful for owners who are adopting a dog for the first time. They should give them free advice, support new owners (especially in the beginning) and check on the dog!

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