The 3 dangers of the beach for your dog - Toutoupourlechien

But although it provides a lot of fun, the beach can also represent a real danger for your dog. Here are the 3 dangers of the beach for your dog.

First danger: heat

At the beach, your dog can get heatstroke. This corresponds to sunstroke in humans. Symptoms of heat stroke that should alert you: your dog is salivating unusually, he is agitated or adopting unusual behavior, he seems to be having trouble breathing You must act fairly quickly because the consequences of a heat stroke heat in dogs can be dramatic.As soon as you notice that your dog is suffering from heat stroke, put him in the shade and, if possible, take him to a cool place. Use cool, but not ice cold, water to cool your dog down and have him drink it. Then, don't delay and take your dog to the vet very quickly.

To avoid heatstroke, remember to always take a bowl of water with you when you go to the beach. This way, you can get your dog to drink regularly and prevent him from becoming dehydrated. Finally, do not overwork your dog, give him moments of rest in a shaded area between play sessions.

Also read: 5 tips to protect your dog from the heat in summer

The sun: the enemy of dogs

As with heat, the sun can pose a danger to your dog. Certain parts of its body, such as around the nose and the belly, are fragile and very sensitive to the rays of the sun.To avoid sunburn, do not go to the beach with your dog during the hottest hours, i.e. between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. You will find in specialized stores or at your veterinarian sun creams specially designed for dogs. For your dog to be well protected, the application of the cream must be renewed every two hours. Be careful, never use unsuitable sunscreen because it contains sunscreens which can cause allergies in dogs.

You also need to watch your dog's pads. The sand can reach very high temperatures and cause burns to your pet's pads. On the sand, some pointed or sharp objects can also cause sores on your dog's paw pads. In the event of a major wound, consult a veterinarian quickly.

Water, a real source of danger for animals

Water can be a real source of danger for your dog for several reasons.When playing in the water, your dog can swallow a large amount of seawater and become poisoned by the s alt. He may develop digestive or nervous disorders. If you notice that your dog is vomiting or has abnormal behavior, go to the nearest veterinarian. Prevent your dog from drinking sea water as much as possible.

The water is populated by marine animals that can also be a danger to your dog. Stingrays, jellyfish or other fish can sting your pet and cause wounds. If this is the case, you must rinse the wound with fresh water (or s alt water if it is a jellyfish sting) in order to remove all the impurities and disinfect well.

While bathing, your dog can also be injured by debris or sand. To avoid eye or skin irritation or ear infections, remember to rinse your dog well with fresh water after each swim. For eyes and ears, use a suitable product.

Finally, although he is a very good swimmer naturally, your dog can drown. In reality, a dog can swim a short distance so if he is far from the edge, he can quickly panic, get tired and therefore drown. Beware of your dog if he is getting old, he tires faster and has much less stamina. Do not go swimming with your dog if you find that the sea is rough or you notice the presence of currents. Even for fun, never throw your dog in the water. If you plan to spend the day at the beach or at sea, consider equipping your dog with a life jacket.

Even if it is a symbol of relaxation, the beach has several dangers for your dog. You must pay attention to the heat, the sun, the sea and the sand to prevent your faithful companion from digestive, neurological or skin problems.