6 tips to prevent the risk of drowning in dogs

Dogs generally know how to move in water but they are not immune to drowning.

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And, even if our four-legged friends generally know how to move in the water, they are not immune to drowning. Here are some tips to prevent the risk of drowning in dogs.

Do not force the animal

It may seem logical but it's always good to remember: you shouldn't force a dog that doesn't want to go in the water. Bathing should remain a pleasure and a source of amusement for the animal. If this is not the case, he may become stressed and the risk of drowning will increase. If the dog likes to swim, bathing will be much more appreciated.

Consider your dog's he alth

Wanting to bathe with your animal is very tempting but you have to take into account the physical condition of the dog. A large proportion of drownings are due to the exhaustion of the animal. It is important not to venture too far from the edge and to constantly monitor the animal. Too intense an effort could cause physical pain and prevent the dog from returning to solid ground. You must always keep in mind that, even if the outward journey seems simple, the return can be more complicated.

Avoid certain water points

Some dogs love water and see it as a great playground. For this to be the case and for swimming to pose no danger to the animal, currents and waves must be monitored. It is best to choose a quiet place. You also have to be careful with the tides. The dog can quickly panic, become exhausted and find it difficult to get out of the water. In this case, the risk of drowning is very high.

Pool owners must also be extremely careful. If the dog falls and cannot lean on the edges to get out, drowning is guaranteed. The dog must never be left unattended when prowling around the pool and in the absence of its masters, it must remain inaccessible.

Provide special equipment

In some areas, for example, near mountain lakes or when the sea is really rough, it is best to keep your dog on a leash. There are life jackets for dogs. Far from being ridiculous or useless, they can save the animal's life, especially in the event of cramp, exhaustion or any other event that could prevent it from getting out of the water. Swimming pools, on the other hand, must be secure. A protective tarp is not sufficient because it can give way under the weight of the animal.

Acting in case of drowning

If despite everything, the dog drowns, you must quickly adopt the right actions to preserve his he alth. The first thing to do is obviously to bring him back to dry land to make him spit out the water contained in his lungs. To do this, you have to grab it by the hind legs and hold it upside down. During this time, a second person will have the task of opening the dog's mouth and applying pressure to its chest.

If the animal is too big or too heavy, it must be placed on someone's shoulder to hold it upside down with its tongue out. The goal is really to get the water out of your lungs but to avoid choking.

There is a technique, similar to mouth-to-mouth in humans, to resuscitate the dog in an emergency. However, you have to have learned the right gestures, and in a panic, they can be difficult to perform.

In any case, you must call a veterinarian who can take care of the animal. In the meantime, it is advisable to warm the dog with dry towels to avoid hypothermia. You must constantly monitor your breathing because, after drowning, the risk of respiratory distress is significant.

And after swimming?

After a pleasant time spent in the water, you must continue to protect your dog. A fresh water rinse is recommended. Indeed, the swimming pool is treated with chlorine and the sea water contains s alt. Both are irritating to animal skin.

In a dog, drowning can have serious consequences. This can, for example, lead to respiratory distress, dehydration or oedema. The best thing is to do everything to prevent this situation from happening. Constant monitoring is essential. If despite all this happens, the dog must quickly be seen by a veterinarian.

Also read:

  • Can my dog drink pool water safely?
  • The dangers of seawater for dogs

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