Wild cat: characteristics and photos

Wild cat: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. On PlanèteAnimal, we will discover the details of an unknown breed and...

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In PlanèteAnimal we are going to discover the details of an unknown breed and with which we must take certain precautions if we intend to adopt one and incorporate into our family. Even though there are pets, these cats are feral and classified as endangered wildlife species. We should therefore not neglect relevant legal issues, in addition to ethical and moral issues, which vary according to the regions in which we live. In the rest of this sheet, all the details on the wild cat, a surprising and exotic feline,


  • Africa
  • America
  • Asia
  • Europe

Physical Characteristics

  • Thick Tail
  • Big ears
  • Strong


  • Large

Average Weight

  • 6-8

Life expectancy

  • 10-15


  • Active
  • Smart
  • Solitaire


  • Temperate

Hair type

  • Medium

Origin of the wild cat

The wild cat is the predecessor of the domestic cats that currently share our homes with us. It is a wild cat, a wild carnivorous mammal that is scattered across the forests of Africa, America, Asia and Europe. In some places, the destruction of their habitats and other factors have led to a threat to this species, which is notably included in the list of species in danger of extinction.

In the category of wild cats, we find several species that are distributed all over the world, such as the Felis Silvestris or European wild cat, name of the species found in Eurasia. This wild cat looks a lot like a domestic cat, but it is larger and looks like a lynx. The North American species is called Lynx rufus and it is found in the territory from southern Canada to southern Mexico. Its South American relative is Leopardus geoffroyi or geoffroy, also found in South America is Leopardus colocolo or prairie cat.

Now, focusing on the origin of the wildcat in general, we can say that its ancestor is the Mastelli wildcat (Felis lunensis ), which lived in Europe during the Pliocene, proliferating first in the Middle East, then in Asia and Africa, giving birth more than 10,000 years ago to the wild steppe cat.

Currently, there is a subspecies in France:

  • Felis silvestris silvestris found in the Pyrenees, Savoy, Corrèze.

Wildcat physical characteristics

As for the characteristics of the wild cat, it should be noted that its appearance is practically identical to that of the Iberian lynx, it is generally impossible to distinguish them except for the smaller size of the wild cats. Even the existence of hybrids between these two species has been recorded.

Thus, the wild cat has a coat between brown and gray, with a tabby or marbled pattern.His hair is thick, dense, medium length and satiny in appearance. Its tail is elongated and has a rounded end. Its characteristic ears are large and pointed and usually have a reddish background.

The Wildcat's body is muscular and sturdy that is both stylish and flexible. Due to its large size, the wildcat is considered a giant cat, weighing up to 8 kg and measuring from 5 to 120 cm in height. Their life expectancy is generally 6 to 12 years, although specimens older than 14 years have been recorded.

Wild Cat Character

As a wild animal, it is a solitary and peaceful cat that can be aggressive if its life is threatened or when hunting, especially when its survival is at stake. In addition, the wildcat is a territorial animal that will not hesitate to defend its habitat, especially the males, who will also mark their territory with scratches and urine, which they will only share with females and not with others males.

Except in winter, the wildcat is a nocturnal animal that hunts and is active the hours after sunset. However, when it is cold, it adapts to the hours of activity of its prey and becomes a diurnal animal for a few months. This detail of its personality suggests that it is an animal that easily adapts to new ways of life, which is why some specimens have become family pets all over the world. Of course, remember that the character of the wild cat does not resemble that of a domestic cat; his natural aggressive temperament can therefore appear whenever he feels threatened.

Feeding and needs of wild cats

In its natural habitat, consisting of forest areas relatively isolated from urban centers and human populations spread across Europe, the wildcat adapts to life in areas of thickets, deciduous forests and leafier areas in the north of the continent.

In nature, these animals feed on the prey they hunt. Usually, the wildcat's diet is based on rabbits, hares and other rodents, although their prey is varied and even deer may be among them. If food is scarce, feral cats may become scavengers, feeding on the remains of other animals. Remember that these are animals that have a great capacity for adaptation.

The wildcat's reproductive cycle has several phases. The period of estrus generally extends from February to March, taking into account the gestation, which lasts between 60 and 70 days. In this way, the cats would give from April to May litters composed on average of about three kittens. The females are responsible for the care of the offspring, which will keep them until they are around 9 months old.

Since they are not pets, to have a wildcat as a pet you must be aware of the latest legislation in your area.Also, normally in case of being able to be with the licenses and the relevant documentation in order, because in addition to being wild cats, they are in danger of extinction. We must respect their habitat and avoid causing a scarcity of their prey, essential to their survival.

Its main predators were once animals like wolves and pumas. Today, the greatest danger to the survival of the wildcat is man, who, with the destruction of its habitat and hunting, has led to a significant reduction in its populations. For this reason, since human beings are largely guilty, we have a responsibility to take action in this regard. In this article, you will explain as follows: How to protect endangered animals?

Wildcat He alth

Normally, feral cats are very resilient animals, but like domestic felines, they can be affected by feline coronavirus, parvovirus, feline leukemia, distemper and diseases caused by parasites , usually infected by rodents they eat, or the environment in which they live.Likewise, when talking about a wild animal, one should not forget about deaths due to natural causes or fights between feral cats, which can cause serious infections and bleeding.

We take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of calling on professionals to find an injured or sick wild cat. In such cases, it is advisable to call the authorities, contact the rangers or go directly to the wildlife recovery centers to inform them of the discovery and let them take care of the he alth of the animal. .

Wild Cat Pictures

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