At what age is a puppy clean?

How long can a puppy hold back? How to potty train a puppy faster? Discover all the advice of our canine educator.

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It's normal to ask yourself this question because it's never a very popular time.

Today, I suggest you take stock of the cleanliness of your (future) puppy: at what age can he be able to be clean, and above all how to make this happen the most as soon as possible?

Average age to potty train

First of all, it is important to specify that even if there is an average age known to all, it is actually difficult to fix a precise figure because it is ultimately very variable according to each puppy. and depending on many factors.

Generally, it is customary to say that a puppy can be physically capable of restraining itself around the age of 6 months. This is an age from which owners generally worry if their puppy does not is still not clean. However, many puppies are clean before 6 months, and some are still not at the age of 10 months. In fact, we must then wonder about what pushes a puppy to hold back or not.

To give some simple benchmarks, generally a 2 month old puppy can hold back for around 2 hours, a puppy over 3 months old can hold back around 3 hours, and a puppy over 8 months old can hold back for a day of 8 hours on average.

Also read: How long can you leave a dog alone?

This is theoretical In practice, it depends on many criteria such as:

  • his eating rhythm,
  • its release rhythm,
  • its environment,
  • the attitude of masters during toilet training, etc.

If a puppy who arrives in his new adoptive home has already learned some notions of cleanliness in his breeding, has the possibility of going out after each meal, naps or play sessions, is walked regularly and praised at each time he does his business outside: he can then be clean from the age of 3 months. On the other hand, a puppy who stays alone for long hours, who has not systematically gone out after his meals or his naps and/or who is scolded as soon as there is a "mistake" on the mat : in this case, learning will be much longer.

You will understand, a puppy becomes clean quickly if the context in which the training of cleanliness is set up is coherent. Everything ultimately depends on the investment provided and the methods used.

Tips for potty training

Following this observation, let's recap the good things to do to teach your puppy cleanliness:

  • Take your puppy out every two hours if possible. If you're not able to do this, at least take him out after every meal, nap and playtime (these are the three key times when your puppy will want to relieve himself).
  • When there is dirtiness found, do not scold your puppy and never put the nose in it. It's normal that he can't hold himself back. Wouldn't you think of slapping a baby who was in his diaper? Well for a puppy it's the same!
  • Do not pick up in front of your pup or clean with bleach. This liquid attracts animals because of its smell similar to that of urine.
  • When you leave your puppy alone (day or night), reduce his space because naturally, a puppy will have trouble defecating where he sleeps.
  • When you catch your pup in “flagrante delicto”, don't scold him, tell him firmly “no” and just accompany him outside and if by chance he finishes what he has to do inside outside: reward him warmly.
  • Don't be afraid of ridicule when you reward your dog for defecating outside: exaggerate your satisfaction!
  • To avoid finding messy things in the morning, sometimes it's enough to get up just a little earlier to put your puppy to success. Remember, usually only puppies 8 months or older can physically hold for 8 hours at a time.

To conclude, I would therefore say that there is no precise age to say whether or not it is abnormal for a puppy not to be clean yet. All this depends on his learning, what he has experienced in his breeding, the environment offered to him, his diet, the frequency of his meals, his outings, but also on his own constitution ( bladder size for example).

Don't feel guilty if at 6 months your puppy is not yet clean, sometimes it is enough to readjust a few details to bring him to the milestone of cleanliness. And above all: do not compare your puppy to that of others! This is a serious error that often leads to drastic and unsuitable methods to hope to have the same result as with another puppy: each individual is different!

However, nothing prevents you from consulting your veterinarian or a canine education and behavior professional if you consider that despite all your efforts, your puppy can't hold back and continues to relieve himself. inside There is bound to be a solution to your “problem” if there is a problem!

Because let's not forget that dirtiness is part of the adventure! If picking up your new companion's feces disgusts you, adopting a puppy may not be the right option: go for an adult dog instead ( although you should still pick up his needs in the Street ).

Also read: Questions to ask yourself before adopting a dog

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