My dog ​​has back pain: signs, causes and solutions - Toutoupourlechien

How do you know if your dog has back pain? What are the causes and solutions to this problem? Are some breeds more susceptible than others?

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How do I know if my dog has back pain?

Are you noticing that your dog is having more and more trouble getting around? He sometimes refuses to jump on the sofa or in the car, he is reluctant to climb the stairs, he is less active outside and spends more and more time lying down? These are signs that his back is hurting him.

In case of acute pain, he may even have difficulty getting up (or even not being able to do so at all) or moving around with his back arched.

Also read: How do I know if my dog is in pain?

Depending on the origin of the problem, back pain in dogs can be accompanied by other symptoms such as lameness, paralysis of the limbs or urinary and fecal incontinence in the event of impairment of the spinal cord.

Back pain in dogs: what is it due to?

Back pain in dogs has origins as diverse as they are varied. They can be the consequence:

  • simple contractures or muscle tension,
  • osteoarthritis,
  • from spinal trauma,
  • of a herniated disc,
  • of various congenital vertebral anomalies,
  • the presence of an abscess or tumor originating in the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves or tissues surrounding the spine,
  • of an infectious or inflammatory process,
  • among many other causes!

How to relieve your dog?

If your dog has back pain, the only thing you can do is get your pet to the vet quickly. He will carry out a certain number of examinations among spinal x-rays if he deems them necessary, in order to make his diagnosis.

At first, he can prescribe anti-inflammatories to your dog to quickly relieve him of his pain.


Never give anti-inflammatories formulated for human beings such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol, to your dog on your own initiative and without the prior advice of your veterinarian. In case of overdose, these drugs can be very dangerous for your pet!

At the same time, your veterinarian can set up a treatment adapted to the origin of the back pain from which your animal suffers. Depending on the origin of the pain, this treatment may consist of:

  • surgery,
  • physiotherapy and/or physiotherapy care,
  • therapeutic laser sessions,
  • one or more osteopathy sessions,
  • hydrotherapy,
  • acupuncture sessions.

Are there predisposed breeds?

Large dogs such as Labradors or German Shepherds, as well as dogs with a long back such as Bassets for example, are prone to back pain. However, all breeds of dog are at risk of back pain, due to their morphology, especially if the precaution has not been taken to limit high-impact physical activities during their growth period or if they 'we chose an unsuitable harness.

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