Biliary mucocele in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatments

A mucocele occurs when a dog's gallbladder fills with thick mucus. How does it manifest and heal?

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What is a biliary mucocele?

A biliary mucocele refers to an accumulation of mucus, which is sometimes semi-solid, within the dog's gallbladder. This phenomenon goes hand in hand with hyperplasia (thickening) of the mucous membrane of this small abdominal organ whose role is to store and concentrate the bile produced in the liver.

The thick mucus that fills the gallbladder is likely to obstruct the hepatic ducts as well as the cystic duct, which can be the cause of a decrease or even a stoppage of bile secretion.

What causes a biliary mucocele?

At present, we do not know precisely the causes of the hyperplasia of the mucosa which is at the origin of mucocele.

However, a racial predisposition is suspected, especially in small and medium breeds of dog which seem to be more frequently affected.

More specifically, Shetland Sheepdogs, Cockers, Beagles, Poodles, Bichon Frisés, Miniature Schnauzers and Dachshunds seem to be the most impacted.

Endocrine pathologies such as hypercorticism (or Cushing's syndrome) or hypothyroidism also seem to constitute additional risk factors for the development of biliary mucocele.

Biliary mucocele in dogs: how does it manifest?

A biliary mucocele can sometimes be discovered by chance in a dog that shows no clinical signs, during an abdominal ultrasound.

On the other hand, in those who have symptoms, mucocele can result in:

  • discomfort or pain in the abdomen,
  • digestive signs such as vomiting or anorexia,
  • a great fatigue,
  • polyuro-polydipsia (the dog drinks and urinates more),
  • signs of dehydration,
  • hyperthermia,
  • appearance of jaundice (Ichterus), later.

How is a mucocele diagnosed?

Faced with a suspicion of biliary mucocele, the veterinarian can carry out blood tests which often reveal, in case of mucocele, increases in liver enzymes, bilirubinemia and white blood cells.

It is the abdominal ultrasound that generally confirms the diagnosis thanks to the characteristic appearance of the gallbladder and which evokes that of a kiwi.

How is a biliary mucocele treated?

When the discovery of mucocele is fortuitous and does not cause symptoms in the dog, the veterinarian can then offer medical treatment to the owner of the animal. This treatment generally involves a choleretic and hepatoprotective drugs, combined with a diet low in fat. However, this treatment is generally not enough to resolve the condition, which can then be complicated by a rupture of the gallbladder and worsen the vital prognosis of the animal.

The treatment of choice for this condition is based on surgery to remove the gallbladder and the cystic duct. This procedure is called a cholecystectomy.

After removal of the organ, it is subjected to histological analyzes and bacteriological cultures, which often reveal an associated bacterial infection.

The postoperative prognosis is rather favorable, especially when treatment is early and in the absence of complications.

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