Dog in car: 6 mistakes to avoid

When traveling by car with your dog, some mistakes should be avoided and some precautions should be taken.

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Do not tie your dog

The first thing not to do with animals in the car is to let them loose in the passenger compartment during the journey. Even if the animal seems rather calm, a sudden movement or an unexpected noise can cause it to panic and change its behavior. The animal can come and slide on the knees or near the pedals and put the driver at risk of having a traffic accident. In addition, an untethered animal represents a real danger in the event of sudden braking because it turns into a projectile.

A dog will therefore have to be attached to the back using the seat belt, a harness or make the trip in its transport box, also placed at the back of the vehicle.You can also install a separation grid so that the animal cannot interfere with the driver.

Do not familiarize the dog with its transport cage

For the car trip to go well, the animal will have to be used to its transport cage, if you have one. Otherwise, he may be stressed at the idea of staying locked up in this object that he does not know for several hours.

To do well, it is advisable to get your dog used to his transport crate by following the advice listed in our dedicated article on this subject. The animal will thus be able to begin to tame it and consider this transport cage as a soothing place. If the animal tends to be anxious or excited during car journeys, the veterinarian can prescribe tranquilizers to be taken before getting into the car. The more accustomed an animal is to the car, the better the trips will go.

Leaving your pet alone in the car

It is very important never to leave your pet alone in the car, especially if it is parked in direct sunlight, and even for a few minutes. The temperature will quickly rise and this can be very dangerous - even fatal - for the animal inside the vehicle. Breaks during the journey should be an opportunity for the animal to relieve itself, drink and stretch its legs.

Letting your pet stick its head out the window

Another thing that we see frequently and which is nevertheless dangerous for the animal: letting its head go out the window. The animal must be able to take advantage of the fresh air with a slightly open window, but it must not be able to put its head or paws through. At high speed, the animal can be injured by a stone or other projectile and can also catch conjunctivitis or otitis due to the wind. When stopped, the dog can bite a pedestrian or a cyclist.To avoid any incident or visit to the veterinarian, the animal therefore stays away from the windows.

Making it travel on a full stomach

It's not just humans who can get car sick, animals too! It is best to feed the animal several times before departure. This will give him time for digestion and thus avoid vomiting.

On the other hand, water should not be restricted. The animal must drink during breaks and before hitting the road. Again, the veterinarian can give anti-emetic drugs.

Don't take a break

Just like humans, animals need breaks during long car journeys. They will take advantage of these moments to relieve themselves, drink and walk a little. This will also be an opportunity for the animal to relax in order to continue the journey with complete peace of mind.

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