8 questions to ask a breeder before getting a puppy

Before finalizing the adoption of a puppy, you must ask these 8 questions to the breeder to adopt knowingly.

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The maintenance of a dog requires, in fact, daily efforts and sometimes significant expenses, especially in the event of illness. In order not to make a mistake when adopting, you must contact a good breeder from whom you will adopt your dog. But before making the adoption a reality, you absolutely must ask the breeder these 8 questions to adopt knowingly.

Who is the breeder?

You must ask questions that allow you to know the breeder, his background, his methods and his philosophy. This question is anything but useless, because it allows you to know if the breeding from which you adopt the dog is ethical and if the animals are respected there.This conversation with the breeder can teach you a lot of things and you can definitely decide to adopt or dissuade you.

How are dogs raised?

You also need to find out how breeding works. You can therefore ask the breeder how life is on the farm on a daily basis, how the animals are fed, if they are walked, if they live outside and have enough space, if they are well socialized and if they live the maximum of experiments. Check that the breeder takes care of the well-being of the dogs regardless of their age. An important clue to the benevolence of the breeder is the length of time the puppies are left in contact with their mothers.

How many dogs are born and how many are adopted each year?

This question can be interesting to ask, because it tells you about the size of the breeding. If the breeder tells you about hundreds of dogs being born every year, that's a bad sign.In this case, it is an intensive breeding where the dogs are often badly treated and unhappy. If the number of dogs is less, you can be reassured and continue to ask questions.

Also, pay attention to how the breeder talks about the dogs they breed and those who have been adopted. If he talks to you about it at length, naming names or showing you pictures, that's a very good sign.

Is this dog the right breed for me?

You are probably considering adopting a puppy of a specific breed and perhaps you have already chosen the puppy in question. However, there is one question you need to ask yourself and the breeder: is this a breed compatible with my lifestyle?

This question is important because dogs have different needs depending on their breed. The question of children is also central, ask the breeder if the dog has ever been in contact with children and how these contacts took place.

Who are the puppy's parents and what happens to them?

A professional breeder must be able to give you all the information about the two parents of the puppy and even give you their ancestry over several generations. This is an important detail to know, because often puppies inherit the character and diseases of their parents. So, if the parents are sweet, playful, endearing and calm, chances are your puppy will be too. This also applies to illnesses. IF one or both parents have a medical history, there is a risk that your puppy will experience the same problems in the future.

How was the birth of the puppy?

Asking the breeder how the puppy you're about to adopt was born is helpful for two reasons. First, his answer tells you about the attention he gives to dogs, especially moms.A vague or elusive answer may be a sign of lack of interest, while a specific question is a good sign.

Secondly, knowing if the birth went well or if there were any complications can give you an idea of the puppy's future he alth.

What happens to the other puppies in the litter?

If you have the opportunity to visit the breeding, you can ask to see the parents of the puppy, as well as the other puppies who were born in the same litter. If this is not possible, you can ask the breeder what happened to the other puppies. It is possible that some of these puppies are sick or even dead or that they are very he althy and have been adopted. In any case, this information is useful to you.

What are the points to know about this breed of dog?

If the concept of breed is very important when it comes to dogs, it is because it determines many important factors throughout the life of the animal.Each race is characterized by a physical aspect, a particular morphology, but also recurring he alth problems in the individuals who belong to it. Some breeds are, for example, more prone to joint diseases, especially from a certain age, while others are more exposed to digestive diseases.

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