South Russian Shepherd - Characteristics, Behavior and Care

South Russian Shepherd: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. The South Russian Shepherd is a large...

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The South Russian Shepherd is a large herding and guard dog. Its origin is not entirely clear and there are three hypotheses, but which all share a common point: a main ancestor who is the wolf. Temperamentally difficult at times and at times very loyal, calm and affectionate, the South Russian Shepherd is an active dog that does not like to be left alone. He is a very powerful dog who does not really enjoy a long lifespan, and who needs a certain amount of care to maintain a good quality of life.Continue reading this article from PlanèteAnimal to discover the South Russian Shepherd Dog, its origins, characteristics, character, care, education, he alth and where to adopt one!


  • Europe
  • Russia

FCI Nomenclature

  • Group I

Physical Characteristics

  • Rustic
  • Muscular
  • Long ears


  • Large


  • Over 80cm

Adult Weight

  • 45-100

Life expectancy

  • 8-10

Recommended physical activity

  • Average


  • Strong
  • Active
  • Affectionate
  • Dominant

Ideal for

  • House
  • Walking
  • Shepherd
  • The guard

Recommended climate

  • Cold

Hair type

  • Long
  • Big

Origin of the South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd is a very old dog whose origin remains uncertain to this day, although there are several hypotheses. However, all researchers have come to the conclusion that its only ancestor is the wolf, whose characteristics have been changed by time and mixing with domestic dogs.But one of the hypotheses on their origin states that the ancestor of these dogs is the Asturian Shepherd, a Spanish dog who arrived in Russia in 1797 with merino sheep thanks to his great qualities for work, which interested the shepherds Crimean. At the end of the 19th century, these shepherds would have decided to cross it with the Tatar shepherd, the Borzoï and the Russkaya psovaïa, a breed that has now disappeared, to create the South Russian shepherd at the end of the 19th century.

On the brink of extinction after World War II, the breed was saved by the Red Army, who decided to take these dogs under their protection. After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, some dogs were introduced to other European countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Other theories state that the South Russian Shepherd originated from dogs that had settled in southern Russia since the 4th century BC.C., carried by shepherds from the East during the migrations of the Sea Peoples. A final theory states that its origin is the crossing of native Russian dogs with Austrian shepherd dogs and wolves.

In the early 1920s, Professor Brauner encouraged local breeding programs for this breed, which was also bred in military kennels to produce obedient working dogs. After the world wars, the number of dogs decreased, which made it necessary to cross them with similar local breeds. The FCI recognized it in 1983 and approved its official breed standard in 2007.

Characteristics of the South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd is a dog whose body length is 10% greater than the height at the withers. female dogs are slightly longer than males. Both sexes are renowned for their robustness and power.They are large dogs, measuring between 65 and 90 cm and weighing between 55 and 75 kg. Their main characteristics are as follows:

  • Elongated head with a strong skull.
  • Large black truffle.
  • Muzzle with pointed tip.
  • Lips are close to the jaws.
  • Scissor bite.
  • Black eyes, oval and set horizontally.
  • Small, triangular and drooping ears.
  • High set and muscular neck.
  • Straight and solid back.
  • Strong and well-developed body.
  • Wide, short, rounded kidney.
  • Wide, deep and slightly flat chest.
  • Wide, oval, arched feet covered with long hair.

South Russian Shepherd Dog Colors

These dogs have long, abundant, slightly wavy, coarse and thick hair. It is usually white or in shades of gray or beige, but it can also be found in the following colors:

  • Straw yellow.
  • Black.
  • Red.
  • Brown.

What does the South Russian Shepherd puppy look like?

These puppies do not have the final color, because it appears between 18 and 24 months. Puppies are more intensely colored and gray or pale colored pups usually have a white blaze on the muzzle and head and white markings on the neck.

Character of the South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd Dog is a very good watchdog due to its dominant character and because it is rather reserved with strangers. They are affectionate, but don't interact too much with their guardians. They are courageous, tenacious, lively and wary dogs. They can show aggression if they don't feel comfortable or confident with someone or something, even if it's their guardians, whom they won't hesitate to attack.However, they are generally good with their family, including children, whom they will protect against any threat. They are also balanced, energetic, strong, impetuous and responsive.

Caring for a South Russian Shepherd

If these dogs are bored, such as if they are left inactive or alone at home for long periods of time, they can become destructive, compulsive, barking and nervous. This is why it is important that they maintain a good level of daily physical activity so that they do not develop these behaviors. The help of an ethologist or an educator can be requested, if necessary.

If the physical activity we offer our South Russian Shepherd Dog includes country walks, he should be thoroughly checked for parasites and insect bites as these can be very dangerous. As they have a double coat, they should be brushed at least twice a week and more frequently during moulting periods in the spring and fall.A bath will be required if they are dirty or need to undergo shampoo treatment for skin and coat problems.

To prevent the most common infectious and parasitic diseases in dogs, they must be vaccinated and dewormed regularly. With dewormers we also prevent other infectious diseases that parasites can transmit to dogs, such as ehrlichiosis, rickettsiosis, anaplasmosis or dirofilariasis, among others. You have to take him to the vet at least once a year and as soon as you see that he is starting to get a little sick. In addition, ear hygiene is important because it helps prevent infections or inflammation and dental hygiene is important to prevent pathologies such as periodontal disease, tartar and gingivitis.

Training of the South Russian Shepherd

South Russian Shepherd Dogs, as we have pointed out, are suspicious dogs that tend to be violent or aggressive towards strangers or when threatened, so this will need to be worked on in their providing a correct education from an early age.Positive reinforcement training is necessary to teach him the rules of obedience.

South Russian Shepherd He alth

South Russian Shepherds are strong dogs, but their lifespan is short, only 9-11 years old. As a large breed, these dogs can suffer from certain chronic diseases resulting from their impressive size and rapid growth, such as:

  • Hip dysplasia: bone disease consisting of a poor adjustment between the head of the femur and the acetabulum, the two articular surfaces of the hip joint. This poor congruence produces laxity at the joint, which makes it easier for the femoral head to move, progressively damaging and weakening the joint. This leads to hip instability and, in the long term, lameness, osteoarthritis, pain and muscle atrophy.
  • Elbow dysplasia: it usually occurs in puppies between 4 and 6 months old, when they reach the peak of their growth. These are lesions that appear, simultaneously or not, in the elbow joint between the three bones concerned: the humerus, the ulna and the radius.
  • Gastric dilation-torsion: Occurs when food is ingested rapidly after strenuous exercise, restlessness, or simply by eating and drinking voraciously. The stomach expands and fills with air, which can predispose it to rupture, causing a veterinary emergency due to blocked irrigation. It causes symptoms such as hypersalivation, depression, vomiting, pale mucous membranes, anorexia, pain, severe malaise, shock and fainting.

Where and how to adopt a South Russian Shepherd?

Adopting these dogs is difficult, but you can research sheepdog rescue associations and inquire about their availability.It is important to know their character, as they will not suit all types of guardians and it is essential that they are properly trained and educated before introducing them into a family, especially with children or more vulnerable people.

If you adopt an adult dog that hasn't been properly trained, it can be a danger in the home and will need professional work and attention. We encourage you to visit your local shelter and look for a dog there, regardless of breed or ancestry, because they are all equally wonderful and all deserve a home.

Photos of South Russian Shepherd

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