Chartreux cat: characteristics and photos

Chartreux: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. Although its origin is uncertain, the Chartreux is undoubtedly one of the...

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Although its origin is uncertain, the Chartreux is undoubtedly one of the oldest known breeds, the Chartreux have shared history with important figures such as General de Gaulle and Templar monks from a monastery of the same name located in France. Whatever their origin, these felines are undeniably adorable. Docile and affectionate deans of character, they will win the hearts not only of their owners, as well as that of anyone who knows them.

In this PlanetAnimal tab, we'll explain everything you need to know about the Carthusian, giving a general overview of its origins, character, care and he alth issues. Not to be missed!


  • Europe
  • France

FIFe Rating

  • Category III

Physical Characteristics

  • Thick Tail
  • Little ears
  • Strong


  • Large

Average Weight

  • 6-8

Life expectancy

  • 15-18


  • Affectionate
  • Smart
  • Calm
  • Shy


  • Cold

Hair type

  • Medium

Origin of Chartreux

There are many versions about the origins and history of the Carthusians. The most accepted is that they come from Western Siberia, where they existed for millennia. It is therefore a very old breed steeped in history. Chartreux feature such a thick coat because it's what allowed them to survive in the cold, harsh steppe.

Sharing their home with the monks of the French monastery Le Grand Chartreux, these felines would come from the selection of Russian blue cats in order to obtain felines that barely mewed so as not to distract the monks in their prayers and in their tasks. Although the monastery was founded in 1084, it is considered that the ancestors of these cats did not arrive at the monastery before the 13th century. At that time, the religious who had fought in the holy crusades returned to the monasteries to continue their life dedicated to prayers and monastic tasks.

They also played a fundamental role in the Le Grand Chartreux monastery (from which they take their name), since the Carthusians defended the manuscripts and provisions from the mice that harassed them, keeping this temple unoccupied from these rodents.

It wasn't until the 1920s that Carthusian monks started having cat shows. But due to the harshness of World War II, the breed was on the verge of extinction. In order to preserve it, crosses with British Shorthairs have been made.

" It wasn&39;t until 1987 that TICA officially recognized the breed, FIFe and CFA recognized it some time later. It has not yet been clarified whether its name actually comes from the French Carthusian monastery or from a variety of Castile wool called Chartreux piles, which are eerily similar in appearance to Carthusian cats."

Physical characteristics of Chartreux

Chartreux have a fairly wide range of weights and sizes, due to the significant differences between females and males. In this breed the sexual dimorphism is much more marked than in other breeds of cats. In fact, the size of males is considered medium or large, with specimens weighing up to 7 kg and a fairly wide chest, females are almost always medium and do not exceed 3-4 kg. Their tail is of medium length and their base is wider than the tip, which is rounded.

Regardless of sex, Chartreux have a robust and muscular body that is both agile and flexible. Their extremities are strong but thin compared to the rest of the body, their paws are wide and round, and their pads are blue-gray.

The Chartreux's head has an inverted trapezoidal shape, soft contours, a strong jawline, plump cheeks and a perpetual smile, because the outline of their mouth gives us the impression that they are always smiling and happy .Their ears are medium sized and rounded at the tips. His nose is straight and wide and his forehead high and flat, his eyes are golden, round, large and expressive. A curiosity is that Chartreux kittens are usually born with blue-green eyes, which turn golden at around 3 months.

Its coat is dense, double-layered, that is to say that they have a woolly undercoat, which insulates them from cold and humidity, their hair is short and always warm. a solid blue.

Character of Chartreux

These smiling and cheerful felines are what they pass on to us, they are docile, gentle and delicate cats. They adapt to almost any environment, as well as living with children and other animals. Although he is more affectionate with his family, he is a very sociable and open cat, who can make friends with visitors and their pets, he is indeed known to play and to get along very good with dogs and other cats.

This breed has been compared many times with dogs, as they usually follow their guardians around the house, wanting to stay with them all the time. They like to spend hours lying or sitting on their owners, they like to sleep just as much. with them it might not be the best option if you spend a lot of time away from home.

In addition to all this, they are very intelligent animals, with a balanced character and almost infinite patience, in fact it is practically impossible to see them behaving aggressively because they prefer to avoid confrontations. They are also able to predict when things are going to go wrong and they prefer to disappear and hide until they see that unpleasant situation has fallen apart.

Chartreux care

Due to the particularity of its coat (double coat) we must therefore be aware that it will have to be brushed every day to avoid the formation of hairballs which can cause more serious problems such as obstructions intestinal.Baths are not necessary, but if for some reason you have to give him a bath, it is recommended to be very careful when drying as we can superficially dry them and inadvertently leave the woolly undercoat wet which could cause him a cold or pneumonia.

In addition to this special care, we must provide our pet with food and exercise as well as appropriate toys. We also need to clean his mouth and ears, take care of his general he alth, and monitor whether his eyes are dirty or watery.

Chartreux he alth

Although it is a he althy breed of cats, we must consider some peculiarities that could cause he alth problems for our pet. It has been proven that cats of this breed tend to accumulate earwax in their ears. This is why we can ask our veterinarian to tell us how to properly clean their ears, what product to use, etc. Each time you visit your veterinarian, the latter should take the opportunity to check their general state of he alth and wear a special attention to his ears.

On the other hand, it also seems that another disease particularly affects these cats, it is the patellar dislocation, which also affects the Bengal This disease attacks the kneecaps of the cartilage, so it will be easier for them to dislocate their joints than for other cats.

We also need to be careful with the food and the amount of food we give our Chartreux, as they are a bit of a glutton and tend to develop overweight and obesity issues. But nothing that can't be prevented with a balanced diet and regular play and exercise.

Pictures of Chartreux

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