Canarian Wild Dog - Origin, Traits and Care

Canary Island Dog or Podenco Canario: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. Thanks to its remarkable sense of smell, since...

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Thanks to its remarkable sense of smell, for generations already, the Canary Island Dog has been the hunting dog par excellence of the Canary Islands. It is currently an excellent companion dog, which stands out for its dynamic, docile and noble character. Want to know more about this breed? Are you considering adopting a puppy or an adult Canary Islands Dog? You must therefore find out about its origin, its education and the care it needs!

In this PlanetAnimal breed sheet, we will tell you all about the Canary Island Dog and we will review its characteristics, character and the care it needs! Plus, we'll explain some unique details about this pharaonic-looking dog.

Happy reading!


  • Europe
  • Spain

FCI Nomenclature

  • Group VII

Physical Characteristics

  • End
  • Muscular
  • Lying


  • Average


  • 45-55

Adult Weight

  • 10-25

Life expectancy

  • 12-14

Recommended physical activity

  • High


  • Shy
  • Very loyal
  • Active
  • Docile

Ideal for

  • House
  • Walking
  • The hunt
  • Sports

Recommended climate

  • Hot

Hair type

  • Short
  • Smooth
  • End

Origin of the Canary Islands Wild Dog

The history of the Podenco canario is closely linked to the Canary Islands, where the breed developed. It is suspected that his arrival on the island is the result of the voyages of the Greeks, Phoenicians or Carthaginians. Its appearance suggests that it is a very old breed and could easily be over 7,000 years old.

Thanks to its hearing and its overdeveloped sense of smell, it has been used for a very long time for rabbit hunting.He is considered a tracking dog. His standard was accepted and registered by the FCI (International Cynological Federation) and by the RSCE (Royal Canine Society of Spain) in 1999 and, currently, this dog is found on many Canary Islands.

Characteristics of the Canarian Wild Dog

With a weight between 20 and 25 kilograms and a height at the withers of 55 and 64 centimeters in males and 53 and 60 in females, Podencos canarios are medium-sized dogs. They have a slender and fibrous body, with powerful and very defined muscles, a long back and a developed chest. Its legs are straight and thin but very powerful. They have an always straight tail. They have large, straight, triangular ears.

The head of these dogs is long and conical in shape, with a small thin stop and a wide nose that will have the same color as that of the coat. They have a broad snout and small, almond-shaped amber eyes.The coat of Podencos canarios can be various shades of red and white, which vary from orange to mahogany. The coat is short, smooth and quite dense.

Canarian Wild Dog Character

The behavior of the Canarian wild dog is important to take into account because it is a nervous, restless and dynamic dog. Likewise, it is also a dog with a noble, courageous and docile temperament. However, it is essential to emphasize that the character of the Podenco canario will largely depend on its genetics, its learning and its experiences, which is why you will necessarily have to insist heavily on socialization. Find out how to quickly socialize a puppy.

Caring for the Canary Island Dog

" Canarian wild dogs are not demanding dogs when it comes to grooming. However, you will need to be careful with physical exercise. It will be essential to keep his muscles in top shape and allow him to exercise thoroughly.In this sense, it should be noted that the nervousness characteristic of the breed will stand out much more in its youth. Likewise, mental stimulation should not be forgotten, which should be based on games of smells, which are ideal for stimulating their senses."

We will also pay attention to the diet, which must be balanced and of high quality. It can be based on quality croquettes, homemade recipes (be careful, this is not synonymous with leftovers) or on a BARF diet (based on raw meat). If in doubt, consider consulting your veterinarian, who will be able to advise you on intake, preparation, dosage and much more.

You will also need to take care of your coat by brushing it a few times a week with a rubber glove. On a more or less regular basis, it will also be necessary to wash its ears, its eyes and think about cutting its claws.

Training of the Canarian wild dog

The education and training of the Podenco canario must begin at an early age. At first we will teach the puppy to urinate in a newspaper and to control the bite. Later, once the vaccines are up to date, we will teach the dog to urinate in the street.

During his socialization period, we will teach him to follow basic obedience commands, which include, among other things, not moving, sitting or lying down. Obedience is essential for a good relationship between guardian and dog, as well as for its safety. We will always use positive reinforcement. However, if at first you can use snacks as rewards, then you must gradually replace them with hugs and verbal reinforcement.

Later we can start our dog in more complex exercises, such as canine skills or advanced obedience. However, if you have complications in this process or if you notice the appearance of behavioral problems in the dog, we advise you to contact a canine educator, ethologist or canine trainer.

Canarian Wild Dog He alth

In general, the Canarian Wild Dog has a very good state of he alth, however, as with all dog breeds, it is susceptible to certain hereditary diseases, among which we highlight dysplasia of the elbow, hip dysplasia or idiopathic epilepsy (of unknown origin). To prevent and quickly detect the appearance of any he alth problem, we recommend that you take him to the vet every 6 or 12 months.

In addition, you will also have to follow the vaccination schedule and periodic deworming set up by your veterinarian to the letter. If you follow all these cares, your Canarian wild dog will have a life expectancy of between 12 and 14 years.

Photos of Canary Island Dog or Podenco Canario

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