Landseer - Origin, Characteristics and Care

Landseer: find out what this animal is like, its physical characteristics, character, behavior, etc. When you take a quick look at the Landseer, many may think it...

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When you take a quick look at the Landseer, many may think it's a black and white Newfoundland, but it's not because they are actually two breeds different. The Landseer is a molosser-type dog, like the Newfoundland, but its characteristics have led to it being classified as a breed in its own right.

The Landseer is characterized by its friendly and social nature, as well as its powerful, sturdy appearance and great ability to learn quickly. Do you want to discover all the characteristics of the Landseer? Well, continue reading this breed sheet from PlanèteAnimal!


  • Europe
  • Germany
  • Switzerland

FCI Nomenclature

  • Group II

Physical Characteristics

  • Rustic
  • Muscular


  • Giant


  • 70-80

Adult Weight

  • 45-100

Life expectancy

  • 10-12

Recommended physical activity

  • High


  • Society
  • Smart
  • Affectionate
  • Docile

Ideal for

  • House
  • Walking
  • The guard

Recommended climate

  • Cold

Hair type

  • Long
  • Smooth
  • End

Origin of Landseer

The Landseer shares its genealogy with the Newfoundland dog, as well as with many European breeds of molossers, especially from central parts of Europe. According to early records, the breed originated somewhere between Germany and Switzerland in the early 19th century. Subsequently, Landseer dogs were exported to America, reaching Canada and North America, where they were all the rage. This fame was well justified, as there is ample evidence of the vitality of these dogs in flood-prone areas, where they performed the role of rescue dogs.

Although it has many common characteristics and was considered a variety of Newfoundland, the official standard now establishes it as a separate breed. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) registered its first official standard in 1997, but the breed is not officially recognized in the United States and Canada.

Landseer Features

The Landseer is a large dog that weighs between 45 and 55 kilograms for the female, for a height at the withers of between 67 and 72 centimeters, and between 50 and 60 kilograms for the male, for a height at the withers between 72 and 80 centimeters. These dogs have a life expectancy of around 9 to 12 years.

The body of these dogs is massive and robust, with a broad chest, powerful and firm musculature, strong and fast legs and large webbed feet. Its tail is strong, long and covered with dense hair, usually slightly curved, although it is common to see it stretched out, keeping it straighter when in motion or alert.

In continuity with the characteristics of the Landseer, its head is wide and pronounced in profile, just like the stop. Its nose is black, its eyes, of medium size and light brown or dark brown, have a pleasant look. Its ears are medium in size and triangular in shape, with rounded edges. The whole head is covered with fine short hair.

Its coat is long and smooth, silky to the touch, with a woolly undercoat that provides better insulation against the cold.

The Landseer Puppy

The Landseer is a calm and docile dog, which can be educated from an early age, because it very easily learns the rules necessary for a correct coexistence with its family. It is advisable to carry out a basic education when they are still puppies, being important the part of early socialization.

In general, puppies need many hours of rest, which can be even more marked in the Landseer, which is very calm.But do not be surprised that they spend a large part of the day sleeping, because it is a favorable element for their good development.

As for their appearance, they are large puppies, with wide paws that reveal they will be even taller when they grow up. They have a funny serious expression on their faces, but their character is quite the opposite: cheerful and laughing.

Landseer Colors

The standard color of the Landseer is pure white with black patches on the trunk and rump, a black head and a white mark on the muzzle.

Landseer Character

The Landseer is a gentle dog, but very cautious, especially with strangers, towards whom he is vigilant and suspicious. He is calm, but rather more active than the Newfoundland dog. His character is strong, he is an independent dog, although he is always very affectionate with his family.Despite this, he tolerates loneliness very well.

Males, in particular, are dominant with other dogs, which can cause conflict during interactions. However, with the right education, this can be easily managed.

The Landseer likes to be outdoors, so it's not the best breed for living in cramped apartments or without open spaces in which to run and exercise. He also loves water, so it is very normal to see him bathing or swimming in pools, beaches or lakes.

Landseer Care

The Landseer first needs its own space, preferably with the ability to go outside when needed. Therefore, if we do not have a garden or land, we must be very careful to offer him enough time outdoors. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that it needs a rather cold climate, since the heat is dangerous for these dogs that have so much hair to isolate themselves.

The Landseer is a dog that requires constant attention and work in terms of stimulation, both intellectual and physical, as he needs to exercise his mind and body equally. As for physical exercise, it is better to provide games, walks and sports. On an intellectual level, it is usually done through training and logic or intelligence games, which can be done at home.

To continue with the care of the Landseer, this dog has a certain tendency to suffer from stupidity, so it is necessary to take great care of its diet, both in terms of quality and quantity. This is essential, as being overweight leads to serious joint problems in these large dog breeds.

Also, it is important to take care of their coat which tends to get tangled very easily. To do this, it is best to comb and brush it at least once a day, removing knots, dead hair and dirt.

Landseer training and education

The Landseer is renowned for its great docility for the ease with which it can be educated. It is recommended to start with basic training exercises when they are puppies. In addition, socialization with other dogs is particularly important, so it is recommended that they have contact with other dogs and animals from a young age. This helps them get used to interacting with other dogs, thus avoiding problems such as dominance or aggression.

As with all dogs, whether purebred or not, positive reinforcement is key when training a Landseer. Thus, it is advisable to reward good behavior and guide the dog towards a harmonious coexistence. Negative reinforcement will only lead to stress, fear, frustration, anxiety and, in the worst case scenario, aggression.

Landseer He alth

One of the most common dangers in the Landseer is the risk of heat stroke. This can happen either because they are in areas with a hot or tropical climate, or inside a house with the heating on. High temperatures cause their own body temperature to rise, causing them to gasp and lose consciousness. They suffer from thermal shock, which in severe cases can lead to death. To avoid this, it is best to ensure that they are not exposed to these high temperatures by storing them in a cool place.

Other than that, the Landseer generally enjoys good he alth. Care should be taken, especially during their development, as, for example, giving them vitamins without veterinary supervision or playing on too hard ground can seriously affect the animal's bone he alth. In this regard, the Landseer, due to its large size, can present problems such as hip dysplasia or stomach torsion.

As with any other dog, the Landseer needs to be properly vaccinated and wormed, and it will also need to be taken to the vet regularly.

Where to adopt a Landseer?

If we want to adopt a Landseer, it can be a bit complicated, because it is not a common dog in France. However, you can always contact local animal shelters and associations to find out if they have one of these breeds up for adoption.

Above all, whatever the breed, before adopting an animal, you must be 100% sure that you can provide for all its needs.

Landseer pictures

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